Kara Robin (she/her) identifies—according to her Instagram (@scar_a_kara)—as a "Queer AF 🏳️🌈 • Polyamorous Trans Quad Skater". So you see where skating ranks with her. Kara has produced a series of video interviews that seek to explore and bring to light the experiences of transgender skaters in the communities they move between. The examples available so far, beginning to be released in time for the International Transgender Day of Visibility, are personal and revelatory—well worth a watch for anyone seeking to better understand how being trans can impact many areas of a person's life.
"This interview series is a series of casual, sometimes silly, conversations about the Transgender experience," Kara wrote. "I think it is really powerful to have our own voices heard talking about what it means to be us instead of others looking in trying to explain us."
"I wanted to reach out and feature local talent because I feel representation in the Southern United States specifically is something that we need more of. I made this series in the hopes of showcasing some amazing humans and how they are just that, human!"
"Trans people are valid in their existence and just want to live a full happy life just as anyone else does. We love. We live. We skate!"
Her first interview released is with local Nashville skater, Chloe (Instagram @bunyflip)! "Chloe is silly, thoughtful, and talented. She brings a very unique style to her skating focusing on fun and entertainment. She also gets creative on her personal Instagram with her digital art and body empowerment posts!"
There are more videos forthcoming, Kara said, and she hopes to expand the project. "I have a series of four created interviews, one being a self interview, and I hope to continue the project with a shifting focus on topic. I would like to continue these for the LGBTQAI community and for myself. This was not only a wonderful social experience but also a wonderful journey of self discovery in relation to those within my community."
Kara hopes that people can learn something from her interviews, and get to know a group of people they might not otherwise. She invites sharing the content and other forms of support, and can be reached by Instagram @scar_a_kara and eventually her interviews will appear on her Youtube channel.