A Message from SMRA's Elections Chair
Upcoming Officer Elections ...
Hey all you members. It’s that time of year again - time to elect our leaders for the upcoming year. If you’re already involved and want to keep it that way, or if you’ve got a hankering to serve more and be more involved, here’s your chance.
Elections of SMRA officers will be held at the monthly General Membership meeting on December 2, 2006. The offices include President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. Nominations for officers will be accepted at the monthly General Membership meeting on October 7, 2006 and again at the November 4, 2006 meeting. Nominations may also be submitted to the Elections Chair at any time once the floor has been opened to nominiations at the October monthly meeting. After the November meeting, the floor will be closed to nominations and only write-in nominations will be accepted thereafter.
Nominated candidates must be in good standing and have been a member of SMRA for three months. Your vote may be cast via ground mail per ballots that will be sent to members or may be cast at the December monthly meeting.
For officer responsibilities and election regulations, refer to our By-Laws and Guidelines to By-Laws.
So saddle up, get involved, and help ensure our growing organization continues to move in the right direction.
Terry Sharp
Elections Chair
Grigsby W. to fill some of the open slots.
Our current focus is ticket sales for our events. If you cannot help out by volunteering, this is your chance to give back to the organization. Last week Justin issued a challenge to all members to sell just two tickets to each event. How are you doing? I am sure everyone has two family members, friends, co-workers and/or acquaintances that they can call or email. The more the better. With three great events planned, there is a little something for everyone. Performances by Steff Mahan, James Allen Clark and Donna Carter, are topped off with a four-bus Pub Crawl and the IGRA Dance Competition (details at www.smra.net). Ticket order forms can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate link below:
SMRA / IGRA Members
General Public (Non-Members)
Come out to our next Convention Committee meeting / Cookout at Jack M.'s house on October 1st and be a part of something great. See ya there!
Bill Tedder
2006 IGRA Convention Chair