Aries. 3-21 to 4-19.
Part of your personality is to be impulsive and spontaneous, a much admired quality. However, being reckless during the month of September could prove to be costly. The planet Mercury which rules how we ingest and digest information moves into the sign of Libra your opposite. It starts out with misplacing your cell phone, computer doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do and the TV and car won’t turn on. But, then you have to deal with others. Get ready to put your ego in the closet. You must try to be not only careful but oh so tactful in dealing with others. The stress your under could cause that volcano that’s in you to go off. A nanosecond later you will regret what you said and did.
The love life could prove to be quite interesting. Venus the planet of love moves into what we call a retrograde position. This causes lovers from the past to want to hook back up with you. Well, if they want to buy you cocktails and dinner, then lets reminisce. Enjoy the moment and indulge yourself into a night of passion. And they thought you were the prey. Write a note before you leave and tell them you’ll see them on the next retrograde.
Taurus. 4-20 to 5-20.
You’re a sign that just loves having possessions and while you’re normally a conservative spender the month of September says I want and need to spend some money. New clothes, shoes, manicure, facial and the latest technical gadgets in the stores. It may help to take cash instead of plastic. Since money is burning a hole in your pocket, why not buy a couple of rounds of drinks for your friends, you’re long overdue.
Relationships could become stressful. Not your fault. You’re just around some very demanding people. Good luck in trying to comprise with them. Since your looking oh so pretty, get yourself over to East Nashville and check out that atmosphere. New people become old friends by the end of the night and by morning we’ve got someone in our life to fill the void. That is of course if you’re willing to be reckless.
Gemini. 5-21 to 6-21.
We all know how much you love to talk. But you do have a tendency to jump into another conversation before you’ve finished what you were talking about. That’s sort of what September is all about. You’re definitely motivated to get things done but before you’ve completely finished with some project your off to another. Think about a daily planner, and check things off one at a time. The planet Saturn moves into Virgo, which means a lot of brick walls around you. This makes things even harder to bring to a conclusion. By the end of the month you’ll think Satan grabbed a hold of you. One last thing, you need to see the dentist. Won’t that make your day.
The sex life is your salvation. Libido is very high so this would be a month to enjoy all the physical pleasures. It may mean that more than one person is needed. Once again it’s just about having an orgasm not a relationship.
Cancer. 6-22 to 7-22.
You’re a sign that just loves the home. You have all the amenities, like the pool, deck, home theater and a great kitchen because you are so into food. Why leave the house. Well, lets have people over for that last pool party or just have a party to celebrate anyone or anything. Indulge yourself and forget the beer and wine. Time for the salt, lime and tequila and don’t even think about watering it down. There’s another person that wants to be a co-host but I think they want more than that from you. They are not the player types so dig right in and ask questions. The more questions the more confident you will feel around them.
Now, the love life for you. I know you want to devour this new person in your life but patience is needed to enjoy this delicacy. It’s like a rich dessert; you want to savor the taste. One swallow at a time.
Leo. 7-23 to 8-23.
You love flattery and the finer things of life. You’re definitely an uptown person. Some may view you as pretentious but you’re as real as it gets. Two kinds of things for this month. Those of you that have been in a relationship that has gotten you to pray and wish things would get better, get their wake-up call. Time to dump this garbage. Kick them out or you need to pack your bags and run for your life. Put some earplugs in, it will help mute their pathetic apology. Now, those of you that have been experiencing a drought with relationships, get ready to laugh again and start experiencing life to the fullest. Your left side of the brain is working so no one needs to pinch you. I would suspect the person is just 3 or 4 years older than you are.
To continue with the love life you need to pack an overnight bag and keep it in the car. This new person is full of manners and nothing but respect for you. In other words, you’re Leo the lion, you’re in charge and being treated with respect. The relationship may move much faster then either of you thought. Don’t put a time limit on when to consummate the relationship. Let your emotions pull the trigger here.
Virgo. 8-24 to 9-22.
You have the ability not only to differentiate but take on large complex tasks. You are the one-person office. Not only is the Sun in the sign of Virgo this month but the planet Saturn. The time has come to focus on all these assorted things that you’ve been working on. It’s a time that you’re feeling better about yourself and life and are determine to get things moving forward in your life. So, you need to finish one project at a time here. Hire an agent or get someone to help market you. Not a time to be shy and withdrawn. This is a moment to let others see you strut your stuff. So, throw your shoulders back and don’t take no for an answer.
Because Mars the planet of anger and war is in the Sign of Gemini, relationships on a more personal level bring tension. Make sure you get a few massages or do some yoga. You need to stay away from these people that are giving you a migraine. They’re just really trying to control you. Take advantage of this moment and get out there and meet some new people. Be flirtatious and when you’re talking to them reach out and touch them. Let them feel the passion that’s waiting to be unleashed even if it’s just for the night.
Libra. 9-23 to 10-23.
You are the people that enjoy the aesthetics of life. You’re all about harmony, beauty and romance. Looks like the month of September will surround you with opportunities from every facet of life. Time to expand the career, I mean haven’t all your friends told you that you should be doing more. It’s because they see your potentials better than you do. Get out there and advertise yourself, your product or business. Time to talk shop, others want to hear what you have to say. On another note you better make some travel plans, get down to Florida with the object of your affection, have a romantic dinner, take a walk on the beach with the full Moon overhead. The sensuality of moments like this creates memories.
You’re not a very spontaneous person in the bedroom. You need candles, music and plenty of foreplay. It’s not the number of orgasms, it’s how intense and earth shattering it feels. I will say you need to take your vitamins this month because someone can’t get enough of you. Life is all about you for a change. How cool is that.
Scorpio. 10-24 to 11-22.
You can get pretty intense and serious. You put your whole being into everything that you do. September is the time to present yourself and your work to the public at large. People actually see and understand where you’re coming from. You don’t have to explain yourself, how refreshing. Look for a promotion this month or your business could reach new heights. There are those around you even a friend that is jealous and will try to undermine you and your work. Be careful of whose behind you. There are vampires everywhere. Time to buy those you are suspicious of a drink. Could be a little bit easier to manipulate the enemy.
You are a sign that is very straightforward about sex. Yes, your passionate and definitely an animal in bed, but you need to experiment and explore with new positions. That missionary position gets old pretty quickly. Get a Gemini in your life, their the freaks of the zodiac.
Sagittarius. 11-23 to 12-21.
You’re a sign that has vision and a firm grasp of this reality. You’re an excellent communicator but the outer resources that are here in this dimension are few and far between. That’s what happens when you get too smart. Why not exercise that higher mind of yours and get back to school or read a book on philosophy. Your mind has been occupied with the mundane activities of life for to long. It’s time for a new journey, embrace that thought, it can only bring a smile into your life.
It could be a passionate month for you if you are ready. Certainly your hormones are alive and ready for action. It’s just that you need more than just an exercise that is short and sweet. You may need to do a little bit of exploring here till you find someone that can last more than 60 seconds. So, enjoy this moment but hopefully there will be someone that can take you beyond the boundaries of your solar system.
Capricorn. 12-22 to 1-20.
You are so cool, calm and collected. Talk about a person that chooses their words carefully, you do. September is all about business, which is your life and soul. Time to close deals, sell or buy that house. You’re moving forward, not with leaps and bounds but slowly and deliberately. With Saturn moving into the sign of Virgo for the next two years your life business becomes even more than you thought it could be. Hard work does pay off. Because of this newfound security you can make long range commitments. Time to exhale and pat yourself on the back.
Now, the love life. You know not everyone wants to hear about what you do for work. It’s boring to us. So, get the other person to talk and talk and talk, much better for all concern. Keep things about you for later. And look; when it comes to say goodnight forget the handshake, it’s really OK to want to lock lips for awhile. That’s what human entities do.
Aquarius. 1-21 to 2-18.
All right, I want to see the tattoo, bellybutton ring and any piercing on your body. Yes, you are original and unique. September is a very assertive month for you. Your boldness however may look as if you are self-centered. Since when have others really understood where you’re coming from. You’re very articulate this month. A lot of ideas. Write them and defined them later. Trips out of town for business help update your skills. Hope there’s a test this month. It should land you in the top 5%.
You’re a sign that needs to be mentally stimulated before you can be physically turned on. You need to get out and socialize and see who wants to talk about what’s not in the newspaper. Keep flirting till he or she gets there. Once in the bedroom you need down and dirty conversation. The mental turn on. Don’t worry about anyone getting up and leaving in the middle of the night. They’re going to feel like they’ve been beaten up after you get through with them.
Pisces. 2-19 to 3-20.
You so enjoy personal relationships. You are warm and compassionate which makes it easy to cultivate friends. You may have to retreat into your fantasy world in September. Conversations can be anything but warm. A good chance that others can take advantage of you. Not exactly a month to give anyone the benefit of a doubt. No second chances here. And by all means don’t feel guilty about this. Slip out of town for a few days. Your perception of reality will return and keep you grounded for a while.
You know they talk about one night stands. Well if you could get into your mind instead of your emotions of what you need, this is the antidote. Just a quick fix.
To contact Thomas for a personal reading, please visit his Web site at