One-In-Teen Youth Services, Inc., a Nashville based non-profit serving gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth, will discuss its 2007 expansion plans at a community open house on Monday, Feb. 19, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
The plans will include expanded hours and the addition of a “Drop-In” program for youth unable to attend the regular One-In-Teen Youth Group meetings. The open house will offer interested community members, parents, youth-serving professionals and potential volunteers an opportunity to see the larger youth center One-In-Teen opened in August 2005. The Center is located at 109 29th Avenue North, Suite 8 (one block off of West End Avenue, near Centennial Park and Vanderbilt University). Persons who might be interested in volunteering to assist GLBT youth are especially encouraged to attend the open house.
The “Drop-In” program (scheduled to begin June 1) will provide regular and predictable times that the center will be open for youth to stop in and hang-out, play games, talk, explore the library, or do their homework. Since the “Drop-In” times will be staffed by volunteers, the program will include telephone support for youth needing information or referrals, but unable to travel to the center. One-In-Teen will be seeking volunteers to assist the youth with this program. Volunteers will be required to participate in training prior to the June 1 start date.
In addition to discussing expansion plans, One-In-Teen will be introducing its new Board of Directors, which includes educator Al Roberson as board president, psychotherapist Frances Bledsoe as secretary and community activist DeWayne Fulton as treasurer. The new board will include two youth representatives as full voting members of the Board of Directors.
One-In-Teen requests that persons planning to attend the open house RSVP by email to or by phone to 615.321.7288.
Since 1989, One-In-Teen has been providing a safe space for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth, between the ages of 14 and 21. One-In-Teen is the oldest GLBT youth service agency in Tennessee. Basic services offered by One-In-Teen are free and every One-In-Teen event is alcohol and drug-free. One-In-Teen Youth Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Tennessee non-profit corporation and is able to provide these services because of the generosity of donors. For more information on One-In-Teen, visit their Web site.