The New Year, a time for resolutions. For the past two years, I have maintained my resolutions. The first one in 2007 was to never order the same food at a restaurant.
What can I say? I live dangerously. It’s an easier resolution that having to workout or break a habit. Instead, 2007 caused me to learn there was more to life than the pizza found in the arcade downtown.
2008 was equity in friendship. Which leads to the question of Auld Lang Syne - should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? In the past year, I have rekindled old friendships from high school and college with the hopes of trying to rediscover myself, but in the process have dropped a few of the friendships I have made in Nashville because of either the drama, self-centeredness or some other dilemma.
But why does one seek to build bridges to the past? Is it because those friends remind us of a simpler time? The past year has been kind to a few but to others a real pain. I have faced potential layoffs, mother with cancer, abusive ex-boyfriend who threatened to out me, school, and people who I thought were friends but were only out for themselves.
What should the New Year bring? What resolution should I try for this year? My resolution is one that each of us should make. I, AC, resolve not to be the stereotypical backstabbing drama queenesque, flaming homosexual. Instead, I resolve to try to uplift the gay community and support my fellow man. In addition, I vow to leave my apartment more and experience what Nashville has to offer the single man.
For the next year, each article in my column will focus on the real Nashville (The honky tonks, the hot Predator Players and the other places that aren’t the stereotypical gay hangouts). I wish you, the gay community, and the best in 2009 in achieving your resolution.