Nashville Pagan Pride Day 2019 will be held Saturday September 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Two Rivers Park in Donelson. This is the 17th annual event and the sixth year in this location. NPPD encompasses a wide spectrum of the local neo-Pagan Community. Three local neo-Pagan groups will present public rituals. The event also boasts over 60 vendors, many featuring handcrafted items, and several groups with informational booths on Community Row. The festival also includes workshops covering topics related to Pagans and Paganism. Last year over 1500 people attended the event.
Admission is free, but Nashville Pagan Pride is asking for donations of nonperishable food for Second Harvest Food Bank and nonperishable pet food and other pet supplies, such as leashes, collars, toys, etc., for Middle Tennessee Pet Food Bank. They will also accept cash donations for both organizations.
Paganism is an umbrella term covering several spiritual paths including Wicca, Asatru, Druidism, and Heathenry, among others. In general, Pagans draw on pre-Christian traditions from many different places and honor Deity as both male and female. Many Pagan paths see the Earth as sacred, so environmentally-friendly practices become an important part of their spiritual practice. Most Pagan groups share authority equally between women and men.
Pagans are generally very LGBT friendly. In fact, two of the event's three Two of our Platinum Sponsors this year are locally-owned LGBTQ owned businesses: Aroma G's Botanica and Serpentine Spiritual Arts. Several local Pagan groups will have booths on Community Row with more information about their specific practices.
Nashville Pagan Pride is proud to feature two notable members of the Nashville Pagan Community: author and psychic Tish Owen and the International Pagan Music Association Female Artist of the Year for 2017, Rowena of the Glen. Tish is their Guest Witch of Honor. She will be presenting a workshop based on her book Spell It Correctly at 12 p.m. Rowena and her band will be performing at 1 p.m.
For more information, visit their website and their Facebook page And for more coverage related to Nashville Pagan Pride, click here!