Healthcare for Missouri is a coalition that educates voters on the need to expand the state’s Medicaid eligibility requirements as prescribed in Amendment 2 on the August 2020 ballot.
Missouri voters put Medicaid expansion into Missouri’s state constitution by that public vote of 53.25% to 46.75%. The group issued the statement below regarding today’s Missouri Supreme Court hearing:
“We’re thankful that the Missouri Supreme Court agreed to an expedited hearing schedule, as time is certainly of the essence. More than 275,000 eligible Missourians have been waiting to enroll in and receive benefits under the Medicaid program since July 1st. It’s time to bring this issue to a close and bring clarity to this process.
Our coalition has always felt strongly that the state constitution prohibits discriminating against individuals eligible for Medicaid as a result of Amendment 2. Further, we believe that the public vote to approve Amendment 2 cannot be invalidated after the fact. We’re confident that the Supreme Court will agree.”
Additionally, Alice Nelms, a Kansas City resident, said "Today's hearing is personal for me because, like 275,000 other Missourians, I've been waiting since July 1st to enroll in Medicaid. While looking for a new job in the middle of the pandemic, I also face the uncertainty of Medicaid coverage. Without coverage - my health conditions will worsen and I already know that I will either go without, rack up medical debt, or both."
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