According to a report released by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) today, 42% of all LGBT domestic violence cases in Tennessee involve Black female perpetrators. White female perpetrators make up 24%, while Black males (18%) and White males (15%) are closely matched in the mid-teens.
The Tennessee Equality Project highlighted this information from the report earlier, noting in particular that LGBT domestic violence increased by 3.5% from the earlier 2011-2013 reporting period. In raw numbers, it's an increase of 141 reports.
At first sight it may seem the 4,194 reported cases, between the years of 2012 and 2014, are beyond logic. The number of all reported domestic violence cases during this time period, though, amounts to 236,141.
LGBT instances of domestic violence, then, account for 1.7% of the total.
See the 14-page report in its entirety here. The section covering LGBT relationships is on page 10 and includes this information, along with the graphic above.
A total of 4,194 Homosexual Victim to Offender ("V-O") relationships were documented as domestic violence from 2012 to 2014. This particular TIBRS (Tennessee Incident Based Reporting System) code specifies the victim and offender as being individuals of the same sex that are involved in an intimate relationship. Given this definition, the gender data element being reported for victims will inherently be mirrored for the respective offenders. Examination of the domestic violence offenses reported reveal that 71.9% of the reported offenses were Simple Assault. Aggravated Assault was the second most frequently reported offense at 596 (14.2%). Females were most likely to be victims and offenders (65.9%) of domestic violence between same-sex couples. When cross examining race and gender, Black or African-American females accounted for the largest percentage of perpetrators at 41.9%. White and Black or African-American males showed very little difference in the number of Homosexual Victim to Offender relationships at 15.6% and 18.5% respectively.