Dear Editor,
I first want to thank you for a focus on my neighborhood regarding our Council race and your support of Councilman Scott Davis. He has worked tireless for everyone in the district and has provided through his bill that was passed one of life most precious commodities to many which is health care coverage.The GLBT community now can have a peace of mind knowing if they work for Metro Government not only can they be covered under insurance but their partner can be as well. My family looks forward to a continue four more years of seeing this community progress, considering we have been here for over 100 years and seeing this community decline to such a low level in the past years , and to see it come up to this level is amazing. There are jobs that have been created by new business that he has engaged to relocate to District 5 with more to come such as Top Golf on Cowan St. Councilman Davis has been a strong advocate for keeping District 5 an affordable place to live with the development of projects with Urban Housing Solution and others that are being discussed for more to come. Councilman Davis sees the need to be engaged with everyone especially to a gentrifying neighborhoods such as the ones in District 5.
I know both of the opponents and respect them both and what they would like to do, but the changing of so much of the council along with Mayor and Vice Mayor our city will need senior leadership that has served and knows how to lead and make sure everyone is involved in the processes that take place in their community. Nashville is at a point that experience is most important , Ms. Martin lacks that experience , being a co-char of a community group for a year and attending several Metro meeting is not the same as being in the council and involved with the many departments that you have to build relationships to serve effectively. Some of us would like for your readers to know we value our community and look forward to may years of progress.
Sam McCullough and the entire McCullough Family
Galloway Family
Harris Family
Starnes Family
Parker Family
Banes Family
Johnson Family
All of which have over fifty years of residency in this district.