PrideArts has announced the extension of its streaming summer film festival. Currently in its third week, the festival will now run through August 22, with the addition of a one-week run of the new documentary TRUMAN & TENNESSEE: AN INTIMATE CONVERSATION. TRUMAN & TENNESSEE is a captivating dual-portrait documentary about the brilliant work, personal struggles, and cultural impact of iconic American writers Truman Capote and Tennessee Williams.
It was released June 18 in select theaters and virtual cinema nationwide, though it has not yet been released theatrically in Chicago. The film by American documentary filmmaker Lisa Immordino Vreeland will stream via the PrideArts website from Sunday, August 15 through Sunday, August 22.
Truman Capote and Tennessee Williams catapulted to fame in the 1950s, sparking a friendship and rivalry spanning nearly 40 years until their deaths within a year of each other. Inextricably entwined, and fixtures of their age, they were creative powerhouses (and gay men) who dealt with success and its evanescence in vastly different ways.
In TRUMAN & TENNESSEE: AN INTIMATE CONVERSATION, filmmaker Vreeland (LOVE, CECIL, PEGGY GUGGENHEIM: ART ADDICT, DIANA VREELAND: THE EYE HAS TO TRAVEL) brings the two forces together in a unique and fascinating tête- à-tête, comparing and contrasting their trajectories through dueling voices — the writers’ own, culled from archival footage, and the voices of actors Jim Parsons and Zachary Quinto (THE BOYS IN THE BAND) portraying, respectively, Capote and Williams at various stages of their lives. Both created rich, imaginary worlds, and characters (Blanche DuBois, Holly Golightly) that left indelible marks on the era — and both paid the price of colossal success and fame through alcoholism and periods of artistic stagnation.
The festival will conclude with the weeklong streaming run of TRUMAN & TENNESSEE, from Sunday, August 15 – Sunday, August 22. Tickets and more information will be available shortly at