A Message from the President
First, let me thank you for your vote of confidence in electing me President for 2007. It’s going to be a lot of work but I’m ready to face the challenge. SMRA has a lot on its plate for 2007 and we need to carry the momentum and excitement that was generated by October’s convention forward into the New Year. There will be lots of opportunities for members to participate in fundraising events and membership drives including Road Trips, Winter Roundup, the spring Trail Blaze and the Mr. Bud Light Nashville 2008 competition.
Smoky Mountain Rodeo Association will continue to branch out and include more communities in Kentucky and Tennessee seeking active members throughout the region to work toward hosting a rodeo while continuing to raise much-needed funds for our charity partners.
We’ll be seeking additional sponsors outside of the Middle Tennessee area and ask that any member with an idea step forward and speak up.
I look forward to working with, and learning from, all of the leaders in IGRA and sharing what I learn with as many people as possible to help educate and excite people about gay rodeo.
Grigsby White, President
Smoky Mountain Rodeo Association
SMRA Selects Charity Partners for 2007
Annual donations to be distributed among four 501c(3) charities
At its General Membership meeting on January 6, 2007, the members of Smoky Mountain Rodeo Association were provided the opportunity to listen to presentations from several potential charity partners. The candidates were selected by SMRA's ad hoc Charity Committee and were invited to address the General Membership to explain the particulars of their organizations.
The Charity Committee recommended that membership choose one charity with each of the following focuses: Animal Health & Welfare, Children's Health & Welfare, Community Support, and HIV/AIDS Education & Support. After carefully considering their choices, the members voted to name the following organizations as Charity Partners for 2007:
- Alive Hospice, Inc.
- Angel Heart Farm, Inc.
- The Minnie Pearl Cancer Foundation
- Vanderbilt Pediatric & Adolescent HIV/AIDS Clinic
Smoky Mountain Rodeo Association is working to produce several events in 2007 to raise funds for its Charity Partners.
Special thanks to Jack Marshall and the AdHoc Charity Committee for researching potential Charity Partners and narrowing the selection of nominations for presentation to general membership.