Aries. 3-21 to 4-19
You are a sign of action that causes not only you, but others to be productive. Very seldom do you get to sit still. There are a few contradictions going on this month with you. Because Mercury, the plant of intellect being retrograde, a part of the past or person from the past wants to return into your present life. I could say to you if there is a moment of doubt, go ahead and entertain this. It will be just a matter of a few weeks that everything from that moment will then become a part of your past again. Now, on the other side of life, a time to indulge into more creative pursuits that will bring illumination into your life whether it’s a great idea or a job well done, your ability to take command of a situation and yourself becomes oh, so apparent. The opposite sex becomes very attracted to you, when you’re flexing your muscles, so to speak. I think what their saying is come and conquer me.
Taurus. 4-20 to 5-20
You are one of the signs that can be a little too grounded at times. Slowly as the year evolves you start looking into yourself and life. The dense properties of yourself loosen up and you allow yourself to start dreaming about other alternatives in life. A little confusing at first because these thoughts are not from your reality, but you find yourself entertaining them this month. Life is not all about the parameters you live in. It’s more about opportunities, break loose and have some fun. Enrich the inner you. Pick up a book, go to a lecture, get out with friends and have a few cocktails, or invite someone to go with you on a trip. Time to get outside the box, and enjoy life and your aspirations. The old you is about to be overhauled. Surprise the love in your life with a bouquet of flowers. They may ask the question, what’s the occasion? It’s the new me!
Gemini. 5-21 to 6-21
There is a part of you this month that wants to jump in the car and go to at least the Florida Keys, but you’d rather head to Cancun. Well you’re the communicator of the zodiac, start your sales pitch. Begin with the more opulent vacations and then work your way down. But the way life has treated you for the last few months, time to pack a suitcase and take off the apron of life. There are some financial decisions concerning buying, selling or investing. It might be better to get more into risky ventures. You’re not looking for the payoff now but later. Start the process on the 6th; there’s a new moon in the late evening. New moon, new beginnings. Now, remember this is a month to get away from everyone and everything that’s causing stress in the life. Take a vacation from those leaches, you know who they are. There should be only one choice of food. Liquor.
Cancer. 6-22 to 7-22
The first half of the month could be very stressful. Thing is, that it’s people or things outside of you that are causing one thing after another to fall into chaos. More than your share of unwanted responsibilities, it’s like, am I the only one that knows what needs to be done? Because you are a very sensitive sign, you’ll be guarded with what you say to these people that seem to be made of clay. Now I know you think you are a Casanova because that phone is ringing off the hook, but not everyone is what they appear to be. Time to have fun and enjoy the intimate company of others, but try not to think that this is your moment and this is the person. I mean, how many times have you been in this position. So, relax, let others enjoy you, but be guarded as to what they really want from you.
Leo. 7-23 to 8-23
Well, this month there are three planets that are forming oppositions in your life. Get ready to call for the lifeguard. It’s one of those times that other people forget what you’ve done for them throughout their lives. It’s going to be one problem after another. Try, if at all possible to keep yourself together. You will be your only friend. There’s about to be a great shift in your life that will bring back that smile that lights up everyone’s life, but it’s a couple months away. Be careful around the new moon on the 6th. This is when you will seem to be surrounded by the caustic elements of life. So, call upon those people in your life that are not demanding or taxing but give you a chance to talk about, "Can you believe what’s happening to me?" This gives you a chance to laugh at the rudeness of life.
Virgo. 8-24 to 9-22
This month look for the social life to be better than it’s been for a long time. Yes, you’ll hear from old relationships that want to renew the intimacy you’ve shared with them but there’s a catch, there married now. I mean, do they think you are stupid and you are going to bite on that crap. There are too many new people in your life or that would like to be in your life to even think about settling for second best. If you can travel, even just for a long weekend, there are opportunities not only for money, but love and laughter. A time to work on many projects that requires focus and concentration. You’ve got a great mind set this month. Full moon on the 20th is in Virgo. I know it’s a Wednesday but get out and enjoy the night. All you’ve got to do is show up. Others will buy the drinks and everyone wants to slow dance with you. Then it’s just a matter of who are you going to take home with you.
Libra. 9-23 to 10-23
This is going to be one of those months that everything happens all at once. It should begin with the new moon in Aquarius on the 6th. More than one opportunity begins its taxing materialization in your life. The work begins and personal pleasure switches to a pause mode. While most of this change brings personal reward, what appears to be lost is for the greater good. Friends and partnerships are your allies in bringing about material, intellectual and emotional balance. Wow, no more knots in your stomach. It’s all about others with Libra. Well, others want you or your business or products. Mass consumption of the self. I know your smart, but it’s time for your feelings to make the analysis of the new situations in your life. The heart chakra begins to beat.
Scorpio. 10-24 to 11-22
This month it might be better if you got snowed in. Everyone needs a time in their life to reflect, and become more introspective and people like you need to be forced to look at who you are and what you are doing. We all know you are your own dentist, doctor, or whatever has to be fixed within you, but lets get real here. Start evaluating what is no longer relevant in your life and really has outlived its useful purpose. Then you need to embark on a new path that is calling the very essence of your being to come forth and make long overdue changes in the life. You need to look at change as a fresh opportunity to get ever closer to the purpose of your being. Start thinking, who am I and why have I chosen this reality to manifest my soul into. Now, your rebirth shall begin. Time to start cleaning out those closets. Look for your sex life to be more intense than it ever has been.
Sagittarius. 11-23 to 12-21
It’s time to start taking some walks. Inhale that fresh air and marvel at the beauty of nature and life. Even conversation or reading reveals the joy and happiness of being. Not many people can go to a place within themselves and smile about the bitter tastes of life and the sweetness of its fruit. It’s time to begin your assent and emerge from the cocoon you have woven for yourself. You’re much stronger and oh so perceptive, so it’s going to be kind of hard to make any mistakes. It is also time to put more energy into your hobbies. Certainly your job is probably a little to mundane for you, but that’s good because it allows you to do what you want in your spare time. Have you tried writing poetry or getting into painting yet? How about taking piano lessons. It’s time like I said, to share yourself with life and others.
Capricorn. 12-22 to 1-20
I keep looking at all the patterns that are going on with you this month and wonder what could possibly go wrong. There are three major planets in your sign right now; Venus brings love, warmth, money, and perfect balance in the scheme of life. Jupiter brings joy, happiness, and causes you to have a great attitude in your approach to life. The more you become the social butterfly, the richer life becomes. Trips to far away places bring not only personal rewards but present new foundations for business. And, lastly Pluto, those in powerful positions want to talk to you about a new position that may deal with relocating. The position and move will be exactly what is needed. Others now respect and honor your determination and commitment to be the very best. You are not the generic brand in any sense of the word.
Aquarius. 1-21 to 2-18
Well, lets start out by wishing you a happy birthday. Because the planet Mercury is retrograde in your sign, you may get a few cards, letters and phone calls from very old friends or former relationships. You will have a second thought about what would have been if you would have given up the self for them but that thought moves onto the happiness that is in your present life. You’re a sign that is always moving forward and this month brings that out. Time for a move or to change jobs. It’s a fresh update that spurs on excitement because it’s change. There may be lingering problems with friends or a relationship. Just maybe by letting go of the present you may provoke that maybe change is good. It allows you to experiment and explore with other people that better understand and nourish who and what you are so they can be what you want as the days go by. You need to realize there are moments that you are on a different path. Don’t get off it just find somewhat else to share this with you.
Pisces. 2-19 to 3-20
With the full moon on the 20th in the opposite sign of Virgo, you may want to rent some videos and stay home. You could go out and join the chaos but you may find yourself being bitten by those psychic vampires. Bring the cat and the dog in and as I said, watch movies or read a book. It may be difficult to get to sleep; so take a book to bed with you or hopefully you’ve got a TV in the bedroom. The rest of the month looks great for you. Invitations to go out and meeting people that want to wine and dine you. I hope you are signed up for school or at least get yourself to a lecture. A great month to enrich the mind. You may find yourself buying some new clothes, perfumes and cosmetics. There’s a new you that is in the embryonic stage of development. This unfoldment will take about a year. Get ready to love the new self because everybody finds you very mysterious but yet exciting.
To contact Thomas for a personal reading, please visit his Website at