What's Angie Aparo been doing with his life? In between 'MySpacing,' podcasting, and touring his way to an independent artist career, he's found time to write a trilogy that will unfold over the next 12 months. The first installment, El Primero Del Tres, launched April 25, 2006. It was recorded in Nashville and produced by Dann Huff (Faith Hill, Keith Urban, Rascal Flats and Jewel). The second release is scheduled for late 2006, and the third release sometime next year. The whole collection is Aparo's view on love and war.
“I feel like this trilogy of work is me working out me feelings on human nature,” explained Aparo in a recent phone interview with O&AN. “I often think that there is a huge misconception in our society that we are supposed to have a Utopia and I am just not convinced that is the correct thing. This is me approaching both sides of the issue psychologically and trying to decide if mankind is born to conflict or to love or to both.”
With nearly 15K My Space fans, weekly podcasts featuring live performances, and a soon to be launched video community site that he will host, Aparo is leading the charge. "As an artist, the Internet allows me to put out my thoughts in music, video, and poetry in an immediate way," adds Aparo. "I can take things into my own hands, and release music at will for the sake of conversation. And after all, isn't that what music is anyway? It's an artist's dream and the future of the music industry."
Angie Aparo will be hitting the road this spring in support of El Primero Del Tres. The set will contain songs from this new album, as well as tracks from The American, For Stars and Moon, and a sampling of tunes from the second release of the trilogy. He won't be alone, however; he'll be taking with him a new band, a newfound sense of community, and an independent spirit.