By Staff, May 2018 Web Exclusive.
Meet Juli Myers, one on the many voices included in the new documentary You Racist, Sexist Bigot. For Echo's complete coverage of the film, visit "All We Want is Justice, All We Need is Love."
Echo caught up with Myers to find out more about her and her experience working with filmmakers Matty Steincamp and Pita Juarez, and here’s what she had to say.
Echo:How long have you lived in Phoenix and, if you are a transplant, where are you originally from?
Myers: Six and a half years. I moved here from Pennsylvania.
Echo:How did you first meet Matty and Pita? What was it like working with them?
Myers: I met Pita when I was working for Arizona Advocacy Network and met Matty through her when they were looking for people to contribute ideas to the film.
Echo:How did they describe this project to you and what specifically made you want to become involved?
Myers: They said they wanted to make a short film in response to the increase in post-presidential election hateful activity.
Echo: How did you determine the way in which you told your story?
Myers: I just wrote out some thoughts I believed were important.
Echo:Was there any specific topic/angles you set our to shed light on (bathroom bills, immigration, etc.) and was that a part of your casting conversation?
Myers: Transphobia.
Echo:This has already been a poignant year in Hollywood and a historic year at the Oscars, why is the timing of this film important? Why is this platform important?
Myers: I don't know what went on with the Oscars and don't pay attention to film in general, so I can't speak to that, but we still live in Trump's America, so conversations like these are vital as long as people are willing to listen.
Myers: I had substantial notes prepared, but they ended up just wanting a short clip of me saying a few things while standing near/in front of a ladies' room door. It took about 15 minutes total.
Echo: This film has already generated a lot of support locally (through fundraisers, Phoenix Film Festival, etc.); what were these events like? How did it feel seeing this project in its early/growing stages?
Myers: The ones I attended were pretty cool.
Echo: What kind of reactions to the film have you observed so far?
Myers: I've heard it's pretty good.
Echo: In what ways has this film changes your life and in what was have you observed it changing the lives/thought processes of those around you?
Myers: I don't know that I'd say it changed my life. I haven't shared it with anyone; as far as I know, the only versions available to see were just available for the people in the film. I can't say I've seen it changing any lives/thought processes yet. All the people I know who know anything about the film were already aware of how f*cked up things are.
Echo:What are your hopes for the film from here on out?
Myers: I hope they do well with it and that it has the effect they desired when conceiving it.
Meet The Cast
For Echo's interview with Miguel Arriaga, click here.
For Echo's interview with Karyan R. Jaramillo, click here.
For Echo's interview with Gabriel Scabby, click here.
For Echo's review of You Racist, Sexist Bigot., click here.