Editor's Note: With this issue of Camp, we are introducing a column in which local experts will offer advice in response to your legal, financial, real estate and other business or personal questions. Here is the first of many we hope to feature in future issues of Camp. -- John Long
Question: What happens when a former prosecuting attorney with nearly 20 years of experience enters the private sector?
Answer: Suddenly we have access to a remarkable resource who knows precisely how the system works and how to best mount an effective legal defense!
Rachel Townsend, who supported the rights of the LGBT community while in office, will be providing some complimentary answers to a variety of hypothetical legal questions over the coming months for Camp readers.
In her office, Townsend, a married mother of two, sits across the room from her assistant Joshua Cox, an active member of Kansas City’s gay and lesbian community. The two compassionate, accessible, and LGBT-supportive individuals help people navigate the complex legal system.
“We are probably the nicest people our clients never hope to meet,” Cox jokes.
In addition to the typical diplomas adorning the walls, there’s plenty of evidence in their office that Townsend and Cox have a unique love of horses, horseback riding and the Kansas City community. Their passion for everything equine should be of particular interest to Camp readers in this Gay Rodeo edition.
“Knowledge is power, and she placates many fears by educating her clients,” Cox says. “Coupling client education with her natural compassion and concern for her client’s situation is something that sets Rachel apart from many attorneys. You are not a number or a type of case to Rachel. I say this not only as her assistant, but as Rachel’s former client. I’ve seen Rachel in action on my behalf and heard judges congratulate her -- in open court- - for the way she has disposed of the charges against me.”
Do you have a burning legal query for Townsend? Please email Camp at jlong@campkc.com with your questions.
Rachel Townsend’s office is located at 6119 Blue Ridge Boulevard, Raytown, Missouri 64133. She can be reached at (816) 383-1102 or townsendlawkc@gmail.com