In the last fifteen years the show has become a staple event for both Vanderbilt students and the Nashville community at large. Last fall’s change of venue - from an outdoor stage to the Student Life Center - brought a whole new aspect to the show. In its more prominent location, the free show drew a crowd of more than 700 people to see their favorite amateur and professional entertainers.
“This year’s show is shaping up to be an even more spectacular success,” said Lambda Vice President and show coordinator Erica Santiago. “We have queens coming from as far away as Alabama.”
Drawing people from every sector of the community, the Vanderbilt Drag Show is not just an evening of entertainment, but also an opportunity to raise awareness and to bring the campus together in a unique observance of LGBT diversity, according to Lambda President Reanne Zheng.
“We celebrate drag as a legitimate art form while recognizing the progress in diversity acceptance made by Vanderbilt as a community,” Zheng said.
The drag show provides entertainment while promoting awareness within the straight community, as well.
“Many students have limited experience with LGBTQI community,” said student body Vice President Lori Murphy. “I think this event provides a fun and comfortable opportunity to open their eyes and promote not only awareness, but support and appreciation.”
Sophomore, Caroline McKinney serves as student advisor and will be bringing her group of freshman advisees to see the Drag Show.
“Seeing the LGBT community celebrated in this way will help the first years understand and appreciate its presence on campus," McKinney said.
LGBT organizations from the Nashville community along with other Vanderbilt Student Organizations have been invited to set up informational booths at a pre-show awareness event. Nashville’s much-acclaimed DJ Ron, a Vanderbilt alum himself, will be spinning music for the show.
“I am excited and honored to be coordinating the show for its 15th year,” said Santiago. “There are few events that bring students and the Nashville community together the way the drag show does”
To participate in the show or to set up a booth for your organization, contact drag show coordinator, Erica Santiago at