Thank You Gay Pride!

This June 2-4 weekend you might find yourself wondering why anyone would spend an entire year planning and working on something so completely time-consuming as Gay Pride. Haven’t these people got a life, a family, or other priorities? Are they bored? Do we really need a Gay Pride weekend?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We’re sure the planners and volunteers have wondered those same questions sometimes as they drag (sorry, no pun intended) themselves home after one more meeting, one more fundraiser or one more near-calamity.
But it all works, and that’s the point. Sure it can be exhaustive and sometimes unappreciated, but the people involved don’t need convincing. Like so many other planners and volunteers in other cities across the globe, they know how important annual Gay Pride is to the LGBT and straight-allied communities. It’s liberating, fun and meaningful. We’re a few years past the gay-liberation riots of the Stonewall Tavern in New York and the beginning of gay pride celebrations, but the events are no less important in 2006.
So this year when you’re at the events preceding the Festival, at StreetBlast on Friday night or during the weekend festival, take a few minutes to take in the spirit of what the organizers have given you. Exhibitors, corporate donors, advertisers in this Gay Pride Guide issue of Camp and many of the gay bars all support Kansas City Gay Pride. Give them your business. The Pride Festival remains a free event due to their contributions but also because of the dollars you, the community, spend throughout the year and this weekend.
When you see John Koop (aka Flo) or any of the Board Members, Committee Chairs and Volunteers this weekend, give them big thanks. Better yet, try something new and show up at the planning meetings for the 2007 Gay Pride Celebration.