TEP launches Equality Means Business to highlight pro-equality companies in TN

Tennessee Equality Project Foundation (TEP) President H.G. Stovall today announced a new initiative “Equality Means Business” to celebrate business support of equality across the state. The awareness campaign kicks off TEP's tenth anniversary year of advocating equality for Tennessee’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community.

Honorary Co-Chairs for the initiative are entrepreneurs Martha Boggs in Knoxville, Randy Rayburn in Nashville and Ray Rico in Memphis. "We are proud to have the support of so many locally owned businesses as well as the major corporations doing business in Tennessee," said Stovall.

Rayburn said, "Throughout almost four decades in the hospitality industry, I've seen clearly that an open door policy for all customers and employees makes a business grow—period."

TEP is providing a small window sticker for businesses that want to show their support on the front door and asking business owners to add their name to the growing list that will be updated on the TEP Facebook page. "All it takes to win is one more person to stand up for equality," said Stovall.

"We hope to encourage our state’s leaders to stay focused on issues that really affect the business climate in Tennessee.   Allowing truly business-friendly policies to be held captive by those with personal agendas is bad business," said Stovall. "Too many start believing someone else’s talking points and thinking that means they know what's best for businesses and everyone else.”

According to the Human Rights Campaign's most recent Corporate Equality Index, sixty-one percent of Fortune 500 companies include sexual orientation and gender identity in their non-discrimination policies.  Nationwide more leaders are recognizing equality is good for business because it allows them to attract and retain the best employees and better reflect their customer base. 

Businesses interested in “Equality Means Business,” receiving a window sticker, or more information on the Tennessee Equality Project  should contact Executive Director Christopher Sanders at chris@tnequalityproject.com