'Look to the Helper ' - A Letter from DJ Doran, Publisher

Well, here we are again. Mask mandates are coming back for who knows how long, Covid cases are spiking across the country because many people, especially younger people, are refusing to get vaccinated, and the economic renaissance that we all thought was coming is sputtering.

These are uncertain times and many of us, including OUTvoices, are doing our best to weather the rough waters. It has been on my mind of late that in times of crisis we can see how people and communities come together if we just look around us. There will always be purveyors of doom and gloom in every situation, but also there are the helpers, the ones who step up and try to help those in need.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

Mr. Rogers once said, “In times of need look to the helper”—helpers like non-profits who do wonderful work in local communities for those in need. They can’t stop doing what they do just because there is a crisis, because the people who depend on them need them now more than ever.

People will remember these organizations that were there for them when they were most needed, and we need to help these organizations—such as Nashville CARES and the Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce—continue to operate by supporting them, and their awareness and fundraising events, in whatever ways that we can. I encourage everyone to volunteer, donate or do whatever you can to help these non-profits continue their vital work.


I look forward to a time without Covid, without masks and without fear, when we can all gather together for work and pleasure undaunted by the impact of this virus.

We are all in this together and we will all get through this together.

DJ Doran, CEO, Aequalitas Media, and Publisher, Out & About Nashville