RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE recap: "Spoof!"

This week started on the heels of Jasmine Masters' being eliminated. Ginger Minj commented that all the energy was energy was gone without her but I think she just pronounced "ugly" wrong. Kennedy was lamenting about having sent Jasmine home and said "Pop the corns and feed the children" which gave Fame a heart attack and rightfully so. That's gross. Pearl got called out for "sleep walking" through the competition. Despite her bedroom eyes, I really thought her beard was creative. She used unique material and her look was on point. I'm not really sure what the issue was. 

Rupaul dropped into the work room to announce this weeks maxi challenge: they're doing spoofs of her songs for #Punnyordie! Once again Violet is picked last. Haters gonna hate. 

I was most looking forward to seeing the parody for was "Sissy That Walk," Until Max became a prude about it. Then I just wanted to see his clean lyric ship go down in flames.

I love that when Jayden said "Get ready to clock" Ru was awkwardly smiling like "okaaaaaaaay" and nodding. It's the nicest "That's a terrible idea" I've ever seen.

Pearl and Fame were butting heads on Trixie's team which was an omen for how the show would end this week.

Team one gets in the studio, and Katya's arms become possessed by the ghost of an octopus for no reason. Lucian looked terrified the entire time. Pearl seemed to be a quaalude. Then Max's team hits the studio,and I have to admit their lyrics had me all the way dead! It was by far the funniest! Violet was a dead on Adore! I couldn't believe it! 

Ginger's team had a lyric making fun of Drag U, which Ru wasn't a fan of. Seems she and Michelle are the only people on EARTH who thought that show was any good! Anyhoo: album and a  t-shirt, album and a t-shirt, album and t-shirt!

Trixie's team did "Tan With Me," and I thought that was easily the most forgettable song. The video shoot was a train wreck. None of them could sing a lick.

Kennedy told a touching story about her friendship with Sahara Davenport during the random "Backstory while face beating" that we've all grown accustomed to over the seasons.

Side note: Mrs. Kasha Davis out of drag looks like every middle aged dad I see at the JCC everyday.

This weeks runway was green eleganza. I was psyched for this because it's one of my favorite colors. I was so happy to see Ross Matthews back! Everything he says is golden. Jessica Alba was also on the panel as a judge this week, to push her new body lotion line, that I could care less about as it contains no glitter. 

The runway looks I was living for this week were Pearl's snake, Fame's space dress, Katya's emerald dress, Max's Victorian Burlesque but, hands down, Violet's outfit KILLED it! My jaw hit the floor when Violet came down the runway! I swear my heart stopped! THEN THE BITCH TURNED AROUND! That booty was bionic!

I revived and DIED AGAIN! 

During evaluations, Pearl had a LaGanja "I feel very attacked" moment ... but on a quaalude. She was criticized for her lack of energy and I have to agree: her outfit was great but she seems like she just woke up. 

Michelle challenged Max to do a look without a grey wig. I gotta say, I'm over people in their 20's rocking grey hair. You look like assholes, stop that.

When we got to the bottom two, you could've heard a pin drop! Everyone was thinking Kandy Ho would be lip syncing. When it was down to Trixie and Pearl, we all died a little. Nobody wanted either of them to go. Trixie killed that lip sync while Pearl pulled a pointer sister and Trixie still went home! Leading to one of the most WTF moments in drag race history!

This is starting to look like shenanigans, season 7! Shenanigans! We all thought it was gonna be "Shantay you both stay" but no! Season 7 had a Ben DeLaCreme moment.

Be sure to check out the Drag Race Podcast! We're talking best and worst moments from past seasons, the sham that was All stars and our predictions for season 7 top 3.

See also:

RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE recap: "ShakesQueer" (season 7 episode 3)

If you wanna talk drag race, hit me up on twitter @AmySulam