Packer: Once used to describe a lesbian who identifies as a man and wears (packs) a flaccid penis daily, the term is now used more widely to describe a masculine identified lesbian who is addicted to loving the lipsticks and the poodles.
It may have something to do with penis envy, but we're not sure. It's difficult to put a finger on just exactly what it means to be a packer. A good portion of a packer's identity can be defined in the broad strokes of the packer description, but there are finer nuances between the lines (and legs) of each packer that can't be generalized to them all or fully explained in this space. So let’s just stick to the broad strokes and leave details of the packin' between the hot, pistol-packing lesbos and their lady loves.
All packers have a penchant for wearing men's clothes from shoes to belts and jackets. Men’s wallets, especially those on chains, are very appealing to the packer. It is a safe bet that your packer totes pocket knife and shies away from gaudy accessories. The only jewelry her tough and rugged ears will ever see are simple wire hoops or perhaps a simple diamond stud on a special occasion. Short hair is not a necessity to the identity of a packer but is usually the norm and everyday is a good day for a ball cap.
The packer has the hardest lot of almost all lesbians because they are only attracted to, and usually addictively so, to the lipstick and the poodle. Because of this, they often are in a hurry to get home lest they be in trouble for prowling around and wasting time.
They not only hold down jobs, they have to keep the home fires burning for their high maintenance love interests. Don’t feel too sorry for them though, they are willing to be pussy whipped as long as they get to keep their toys, tools, egos and watch football on occasion.
Their poodles usually make sure that they have nice clothes to wear so clothes or gift certificates are not a good idea for a Christmas gift. Tools are always a safe bet but a bit boring. The best thing you could do for a packer is set her poodle up with another poodle for a day of shopping so that the Packer can sneak off to the local sports bar and enjoy a beer in peace with her buddies.
Or consider making a donation in the packer's name to one of the many GLBT-rights organizations such as the Tennessee Equality Project, the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition or national groups such as PFLAG and the Human Rights Campaign.