NASHVILLE recap: "Sometimes You Just Can't Win"

Scarlett won’t leave Sean alone about getting back to doing music again. She tries to talk him into going to see Deacon perform at the Bluebird. Later, Sean’s Aunt (the owner of the horse therapy farm) explains that part of Sean’s PTSD is agoraphobia, so leaving the farm is terrifying for him. What type of phobia is being terrified in your own skin? That’s what Scarlett has.

A distraught Avery is back in Nashville without Juliette and he asks Emily, who has been keeping Cadence, to stick around for a while so he isn’t alone. As he processes what is happening, he reluctantly removes his wedding ring. He should have flushed that thing a LONG time ago.

Gunnar makes it clear to Will (who is still ‘roiding) that their friendship is more valuable than whatever is going on between him and Alannah. Am I the only one who thinks a great actor like Chris Carmack and a character like Will Lexington are completely getting crap storylines? I mean, make him an international spy or something. Get creative! But, no, we are going to leave it at Will being jealous of Alannah, especially now that their band has been asked to perform on The Chew. Two songs where Alannah sings lead have been requested. For the love of Harvey Milk, give Will some depth!

Daphne wants to make an EP. For those of you not in music circles, it’s like an album, only with less songs. Because she is 14 years old, Deacon puts the kibosh on the idea. Speaking of Deacon, he and Jessie are too cute for scoot now that they have done the nasty.

While we’re on the topic of nasty, Brad is being especially Trump-esque this episode. He wants to send Jake off to boarding school and this isn’t the first time he tried. Jessie goes to his office (which looks a lot like the offices at CMT) to confront him. Brad wants to send him away because he think Jessie is holding him back. Apparently, it’s a done deal. He starts next semester.

Alannah tells Bucky she refuses to sing the lead on two songs on The Chew, so it gets changed to Will singing the lead on one. When Will arrives for band rehearsal, he thinks Gunnar went to Bucky asking for the songs to be changed and he’s pissed. He claims he’s not a charity case.

Despite Deacon’s warnings, Daphne signs up for Brad’s American Idol-type show called Nashville’s Next Country Star, going so far as to forge Deacon’s signature on the permission form. THAT’S THE LITTLE REBEL I WANT TO SEE! Now, let’s see her make out with a random teenager in line for the audition! Well, at least they are holding auditions at the beautiful Schermerhorn Symphony Center.

Sean goes over to Scarlett’s house (despite the fact that he has agoraphobia). She offers to take him to a writer’s night she is attending later that evening. When he does show up for the event, he is drunk, which is understandable. Liquid courage, folks, liquid courage. However, the atmosphere of the bar freaks him out and he bails. Scarlett goes after him and he tells her he wants all of the fear and anxiety to stop for just one day.

Avery explains to Deacon that Juliette isn’t coming home and how he is tired of it. He is over the constant, non-stop drama that is Juliette Barnes. Avery realizes he doesn’t even care anymore and he is done. Okay, I have been telling you this for, like, three seasons Avery. I don’t think I know an actual human being in real life who would put up with that gobbledygook.

Daphne nails her audition, performing a song she wrote herself called “Dear Fear.” Later, she tells Deacon what she did and he is none too pleased. And, of course, we had to have a reason for Maddie in this episode, so she agrees with Deacon. He later tells Daphne he is afraid that Brad is going to exploit her because she is Rayna Jaymes’ daughter. According to Daph, singing at that audition was the first time she felt happy since her mom died. So, he gives her his blessing.

Sean texts Scarlett to meet him in the barn, where he has been writing a song called “Bring Me an Angel.” Of course, it’s phenomenal. Weird how every aspiring singer songwriter on this show nails it the first time. Anyway, if things heat up between Scarlett and Sean, can he horse whip her? It’s just something I would REALLY like to see.

On the tour bus en route to The Chew, Will looks up steroid tapering and learns that his low grade fever and dizziness are side effects. Also on the bus, Alannah tries reaching out to Avery. She explains she knows how Avery is feeling because Juliette is his weakness just like her cheating ex-boyfriend is hers. It makes her feel like crap, but she can’t help it.

At the Nashville’s Next Country Star audition callbacks, only three are chosen for the show, and, OF COURSE, Daphne’s name is called.

When Brad goes to pick up Jake, he doesn’t want to go and refuses to leave his room. Deacon and Jessie can’t get him to budge. When Brad decides he needs to talk to the kid, he barges into her house and sees Deacon. Jake tells his dad to shut up (#TEAMJAKE) and he storms back into his room and shuts the door. Frustrated and furious, Brad threatens to kick down the door in ten seconds. As he begins to count down, it gets to Deacon, who suffered at the hands of his abusive father. Brad grabs Jake and Deacon pulls him off, slamming him into the wall, telling him to calm down. Creepy Brad turns around with a smile saying “Did you just assault me?” Well, if anyone needs assaulting its Brad. And Juliette. And Maddie just for funsies.

At The Chew, Will seems to be very manic and then very sweaty. Their performance goes well enough, but Will appears weak and a bit off. Then, he goes a bit cuckoo with a guitar solo towards the end and collapses. The paramedics show up and we hear them say there is “no pulse.”

I will say this right now, CMT. If you off our sweet Wilma, there’s no watching the last episodes of this show. You cannot kill Will with a terrible steroids PSA plotline. Let him go out in glory, guns blazing, trying to save our country from Russian election meddling!

See also:

NASHVILLE recap: "Pick Yourself Up" (Season 6, Episode 9)

NASHVILLE recap: "Sometimes You Just Can't Win" (Season 6 Episode 8)

NASHVILLE recap: "Can't Help But Wonder Where I'm Bound" (Season 6 Episode 7)