NASHVILLE recap: How Does It Feel to Be Free

Okay, kids, now that Rayna and Deacon are happily married, I can’t help but wonder what soap opera-esque plot grenades they throw in their way. Amnesia? Lost at sea? If Deacon gets an evil twin, I officially go on strike. But I’m not too far off when a pretty young musician sashays into the Beverly, strokes Deacon’s ego and asks for an audition to play at the bar’s open mic night.

We next see Avery going to visit Juliette at the rehab center. And just like she did when she wasn’t in a treatment center, she keeps him waiting for an hour when her shrink shows up to explain Juliette is in a “fairly delicate emotional state.” I’m sorry, Nashville writers, but you aren’t going to get any sympathy from me towards Juliette until she cures puppy cancer and becomes a nun.

Things are going Layla’s way with her new manager, Glenn and Rayna ready to release her first album and send her out on tour. Of course, Rayna is also gung ho about Avery producing Layla’s second album. Layla even remarks her pairing with Avery is a “match made in heaven.” How did Layla fix her hair to cover those horns?

The Chex Mixes (The Exes), Scarlett and Gunnar’s duo, are playing the Nashville Palace tonight and invite Will to sit in for a few songs. As our skinny little hipster pixie leaves the studio, she sees Gunnar’s squeeze, Erin, making out with a dude in his truck. Okay, this isn’t a surprise to ANYONE on the planet.

As Puke’s financial woes go public, his son still isn’t talking to him. Puke, Junior, is also continuing to blow off Maddie. I never thought I’d say this, but #TEAMCOLT. So, of course, Maddie is boo-hooing about it to Cash, especially since she had sex with Colt, but hey, let’s write a song about it!

Not being one to let embezzlement woes get him down, Luke goes to the local radio station to talk about it and things get worse when he takes calls from his fans. These so-called fans guilt him for being rich and losing touch with his Kentucky roots. I’d be guilt ridden if I admitted I was from Kentucky, so…

Of course, Deacon is over the moon for this new chick, Vita Martin, and insists Bucky and Rayna come out and hear her perform. And yes, she’s talented with a Willie Nelson-type guitar and Patsy Cline soul. Rayna and Bucky are interested and want to talk to her more about working with Highway 65, but not before Rayna offers her a job working at Deacon’s bar. No, I didn’t see this coming from a mile away.

The hits keep coming for Puke, who is losing money on his tour and then it’s suggested that Juliette go back out on tour with him. Not to waste any time, he moseys over to the recording studio where Avery is working with Layla to ask Avery where he can find Juliette. It just isn’t Luke’s day when Avery blesses him out and tells him that Juliette “Can’t be counted on.” Not to take anything away from your little moment there, Avery, but the entire globe is aware of that little fact. Anywho, when Puke leaves, Avery spills the truth to Layla about Juliette being in treatment and his separation from her. Layla says she understands what it’s like to live a lie.

Before The Chex Mixes take the stage at their gig, OF COURSE Sherpa Boo Boo tells Gunnar about seeing Erin kissing pickup truck dude. In the middle of their set, they call Will up to the stage and as soon as he sits down, the homophobic ass whistles in the audience start with the slurs. And as Will continues to play, one particular jerk, (we’ll call him Donald Trump, Junior) continues his insults and throws a beer bottle at our Wilma, knocking him off the bar stool and breaking his nose. If this fruit fly had been there, I would have shoved that beer bottle up Donald Trump’s Junior. Instead of making a statement to the cops against his attacker to charge him with a hate crime, Will refuses and tells Gunnar it won’t do any good. When Gunnar says “You were attacked and you cannot let him get away with that.” Will, with an evil glint in his eye replies with “Trust me. I won’t.”

Vita shows up to Deacon’s bar to fill out her job application even though Frankie isn’t happy with it. But before Deacon can even defend her, she disappears, but not before leaving a hotel address on the application. Rayna finds her living in her car in a hotel parking lot. Vita couldn’t fill out the application because she has an arrest record. Does that matter to Rayna? Hayell no!

Layla’s little “living a lie” talk got to Avery because he storms his way over to Juliette’s rehab center and tells her shrink that if Juliette doesn’t come clean publicly about their divorce in the next 24 hours, then he will.

Gunnar confronts Erin about her boys on the side and she says she’s fine with them having a monogamous relationship. Really? Is this storyline real? Since when does a famous, hot, single, country star (who is in love with someone else) want a monogamous relationship with a woman?

We next find Puke at an old friend’s house, Riff, who used to be a big country star. It’s obvious from the visit that Riff chose to give up his career for his family, which is a huge contrast to Luke’s current situation. Then, Puke, being Puke, asks Riff to come out of retirement and go out on the road with him. Puke seems to think having his old buddy on the road will help him get back to his roots. Oh, gees.

Now that Maddie has written her empowerment song with Cash about Colt, she calls him and tells him he’s been blowing her off since they had sex and that he had better start respecting her. Umm, Madds, he’s a teenage boy.

So, I was right about Gunnar because after Erin pours her heart out to him about having feelings for him, he dumps her. But, no time to worry about that because he gets a call that Will is back at the Nashville Palace and looking for revenge. So, he grabs Scarlett (I have no idea why either) and they head over there.

Being the publicity whore that she is, Juliette obviously takes Avery’s threat seriously and releases a statement that they are divorcing. Avery sits in tears watching it unfold on TV and then takes off his wedding ring. When he heads back to the studio, he has a little moment with Layla who says she also saw the divorce announcement.

Instead of beating up Donald Trump, Junior, Will gets back on the Nashville Palace stage after sending the homophobe a beer. “You didn’t get to finish your beer last night,” Will tells him. Then, he tells the jerk that nothing or no one will keep him from getting on stage again. The crowd starts to hoot and holler in support as he starts playing. Scarlett and Gunnar ask the Donald and his group of knuckle draggers to leave and they do.

After Vita’s first night working at the Beverly, Frankie calls Deacon in a huff. It seems the receipts came up $500 short and Frankie is pretty sure Vita took it.

Now, don’t you worry, my lovelies. This is fake Nashville and it will all be one big, silly mistake and our newest ingénue will be redeemed! Okay, fine. I took the money. I don’t get paid enough to watch this show. Do you think the actor who plays Deacon will pay me a personal visit for $500? I’m asking for a friend.

See also:

NASHVILLE recap: "Forever and For Always" (season 4 episode 11)

NASHVILLE recap: "How Does It Feel to Be Free" (season 4 episode 12)

NASHVILLE recap: "If I Could Do It All Again" (season 4 episode 13)