Nashville Pride elects president and new board members

Nashville Pride elected Michael Bassham, former Nashville Pride vice president, as its board president at its Feb. 7 meeting. Bassham replaces Mikahil Brown, who resigned earlier in the year due to new job responsibilities.

David McKinnon, Matthew Strader, and Mac (MAC Productions) were elected as Board Members-at-Large at the special election meeting.

"I'm very excited about this opportunity," said Bassham, who has served on the Nashville Pride board for several years. "We have the resources and the support to create a truly groundbreaking Pride Festival this year, and we are beginning our scholarship program for the first time. 2005 is going to be an amazing year for Nashville Pride."

Nashville Pride Vice President Jeanna Emert noted, "Michael has been an integral part of NPI for years. His experience and his enthusiasm make him the perfect person to lead us into 2005."

The centerpiece of Nashville Pride's efforts this year is the new Youth Scholarship Program, a cash award offered to area high-school and college students. Local community activists serve on the Scholarship Committee and are excited to help GLBT youth achieve their educational goals.

The application is available at local businesses and more information is available on the Nashville Pride website.

The 2005 Pride Festival is set for Saturday, June 4th, 2005. Held in Nashville's Centennial Park, the event attracted nearly 10,000 supporters last year and saw the introduction of a new family area as well as the expansion of vendor booths and services.

American Home Mortgage, formerly known as Washington Mutual, served as the Presenting Sponsor, a role they have agreed to take on again this year.

In addition, nearly 50 other businesses and non-profit organizations supported Nashville Pride through sponsorships and charitable donations.

"Together with American Home Mortgage and our other sponsors, we are confident that this year's Pride Festival will be the most diverse and biggest yet," said President Michael Bassham.

Nashville Pride is a nonprofit, volunteer-run and community-supported organization that supports and celebrates GLBT life in our community.

For more information or to get involved, email Nashville Pride at or visit