It’s only March but Nashville Fire Department Station 2 B shift is heating things up early for Pride. That group of firefighters is producing a special Pride themed t-shirt to raise money for the Tennessee Equality Project, and firefighters will be able to wear the shirts in duty during Pride month.
According to the post on the Fire Department’s official Facebook account:
Our fire halls often design and sell shirts to raise money for various causes. The shirts are designed, printed and paid for by the firefighters at the halls.This particular shirt came as a result of a meeting some station 2 B-Shift firefighters had with the Tennessee Equality Project. When they learned of TEP’s mission they decided to design and sell a shirt to raise money for the organization. It is a common practice for that hall and shift. In fact earlier on Friday they donated $500 to the BLAZE Mentoring Program. Friday they were at Tribe meeting with MANAGEMENT to let them know about the shirts.
Furthermore, we will be allowing our personnel to wear the shirts on duty for Pride Month in June. We are allowing it just like we allow wearing the pink union shirts in October for breast cancer awareness month. #NFDin19
Chris Sanders, executive director of the Tennessee Equality Project, wrote, “We are grateful to learn that Nashville Fire Department is designating the Tennessee Equality Project Foundation as the beneficiary of their new Pride shirt. Members of the NFD will also be able to wear their Pride shirts on duty during the month of June. Thanks to NFD LGBT Liaison Matthew Fuson for the news!”
According to Sanders, “Shirts are currently available for purchase at Fire Station 2 during B shift, which is Monday, Thursday, and next Sunday. First Station 2 is located at 500 2nd Avenue North. There may soon be other ways to purchase the shirts.”