Nashville CARES AIDS Walk Set for September 26

by Susan Kastan
As seen in InsideOut

The Nashville CARES AIDS Walk will be held at Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park in downtown Nashville starting at 10 a.m. on Saturday, September 26, 2009.   Meanwhile, the volunteer efforts and community outreach that make the AIDS Walk a success are underway – and you are invited to help.

You can register today at to do your part to raise awareness that HIV/AIDS remains a public health threat affecting people from all walks of life – and to raise money to fight HIV/AIDS in our local communities.  Phone 615-259-4866 if you lack
internet access or have any questions.

On Tuesday, August 4, between 5 pm and 9 pm you can attend a wine tasting/AIDS Walk kickoff event at any of three local Ashley Furniture HomeStores, in Madison/Rivergate, Cool Springs, and Murfreesboro.  The stores will be donating a generous portion of the night’s sales to the AIDS Walk. You’ll be able to contribute directly too, if you like; you can also pick up packets if you’ve already registered online, or register at the store.

You may wonder how significant the support generated by a “portion of sales” can be.  I’m happy to report that two past benefit evenings these Ashley Furniture HomeStores held for Nashville CARES resulted in donations of $1800 in cash and $1700 in merchandise certificates for the AIDS Walk last year, plus $1020 in cash for our Dining Out For Life fund raiser this past spring.  Further, also this spring, Ashley Furniture HomeStores donated and home-delivered mattress-and-box-spring sets with frames to a dozen of the neediest of Nashville CARES clients.

Obviously, we appreciate greatly having the support of this local business, and the commitment of its owners, managers, employees and customers to our cause.Nashville Pharmacy Services ( is another local business with a strong commitment to the fight against HIV/AIDS.  Nashville Pharmacy Services is this year’s Presenting Sponsor for the Nashville CARES AIDS Walk, their second year of support at that top level – and their sixth consecutive year as a sponsor of the AIDS Walk event.

Businesses interested in learning more about Nashville CARES and our community events are welcome to phone me at Nashville CARES, 615-
259-4866 x251.

Finally, some innovations on the day of the AIDS Walk this year will bring more people and more energy to the festivities.  On September 26,
the AIDS Walk is one of three walks taking place in Bicentennial Mall State Park.   The other two walks sharing the park with us that day are
Community Nashville’s Walk as One and Happy Tales Humane’s Pet Stroll.    Each group is doing its own separate fund raising beforehand. 

Then we’re coming together to put on one strong and vibrant event on September 26, with expected attendance of about 3000.   (Nashville CARES had about 1400 people at last year’s AIDS Walk.) The main AIDS Walk route, which our partners will also follow, is still about 3 miles in Bicentennial Mall State Park and surrounding downtown streets.  In addition, we’ll offer a one-mile “infield” route for those who prefer a shorter walk option.  We’re also expanding the Community Health & Wellness Festival, kids’ activities, and stage entertainment.  There will be water for all along with donated healthy snacks. The Pancake Breakfast, prepared by volunteers, will now be one of the day’s fund raising activities.  Pancake Breakfast tickets will be $5/person – an affordable treat.

Co-producers of the event on September 26 are Nashville CARES, CommunityNashville, and Happy Tales Humane, along with Conexion Americas and the Nashville Community Health & Wellness Team.

Please register for the Nashville CARES AIDS Walk today – and join us on September 26!