Mark Middleton Celebrated by Metro as Carney Street Becomes Bianca Page Way

Tuesday night, the Metro Nashville City Council gave its approval on third and final reading to legislation renaming Carney Street in South Nashville to Bianca Paige Way. In a Facebook post, Councilman Brett Withers shared the following statement: "The legislation passed with a unanimous vote on a consent agenda. The Metro Council LGBTQ Caucus would like to thank lead sponsor, District 17 Council Member Colby Sledge, and all other cosponsors for their support."

Ron Sanford shared the following statement from the Bianca Page Awareness Network:

Mark Middleton, a.k.a. "Bianca Paige the Pantomime Rage", became a prolific female impersonator in the 1980's until his death in 2010. When Mark received his HIV/AIDS diagnosis he made the courageous decision to go public, using Bianca Paige as his platform to encourage testing, education, and destigmatization associated with living with such a diagnosis. Through Bianca Paige, Mark raised over $1,000,000 in his lifetime funding education, treatment, and research for children stricken with the autoimmune disease.

His work led to the formation of the Bianca Paige Awareness Network. Since Mark's death BPAN works to continue his mission and has been honored by declarations from every Nashville Mayor and City Council celebrating his life, Bianca Paige Day, held annually at Trax located at 1501 Ensley Blvd Nashville 37210.

Tonight, Metro City Council approved the name change of Carney Street to Bianca Paige Way further immortalizing the life and work of Mark Middleton and his contribution to the city of Nashville.

The Bianca Paige Awareness Network would like to thank John Cooper and Mayor Cooper's Office, John Lassiter, Colby Sledge, Brett Withers, the LGBT Caucus, and the entire Metro Council for making this possible.

We are planning a dedication of the street on June 26th, look for details coming soon! This is a great Achievement for the LQBTQ+ community in Nashville.

For more on Bianca Page, click here!