By Staff, November 2018 Web Exclusive. Courtesy of the LGBT History Project.
Each October, as part of LGBT History Month, journalists, photographers, publishers and media platforms come together to document – and share – the evolution of the LGBTQ community by aggregating stories from throughout the United States.
This effort is made possible by the efforts of Mark Segal, Kristen Demilio and Jason Villemez of the Philadelphia Gay News.
We hope you enjoy taking a look back at our community through the following headlines:
50 Years Later by Mark Segal by Mark Segal |
Busting the Myths of Stonewall
FamilySearch by Cynthia Laird | ancestry database to add same-sex families
Tinderbox by Larry Nichols | Robert Fieseler discusses new book about overlooked LGBT tragedy
Lesbian Erasure by Victoria A. Brownworth |
A two-part examination of the presence of lesbians and lesbianism throughout history
The Emma Jones Society Convention by Graham Brunk |
Florida’s panhandle once hosted the largest LGBT gathering in the country