Letter from the Editor: February 2015

This month’s Out & About Nashville cover is in honor of the LGBT wedding. We know marriage isn’t not legal here—yet! But that doesn’t mean you can’t through the biggest, gayest wedding possible, even in the heart of the new Old South, as Josh Johnson and Michael Popham proved in their December nuptials. A decade ago, who would have guessed that two men would have gala weddings at the Country Music Hall of Fame?

In this issue we hear from Josh and Michael about how they put on such a production, and I think in the process we see how far we’ve truly come. High profile events such as these help wider audiences see the marriage debate differently—it’s not about gay marriage versus straight marriage, it’s just about couples who want to have their relationship recognized and celebrated.

With the Supreme Court’s recent decision to take up gay marriage, and specifically Tennessee’s case, this term, we may soon see resolution to the legal side of our issues here as well. We all recognize the danger—a failure at the Supreme Court would set back the march toward equality by decades. Brian Sullivan gives us a walkthrough of the issue as presented by Abby Rubenfeld, lawyer for the Tennessee couples, to a group organized by the Tennessee Equality Project.

And on the lighter side, O&AN’s own Scott Bryant visits Key West, Florida. From its quaint shops to its happening LGBT scene, Scott tells us why he thinks that this little island might just be the perfect place for your wedding—or your honeymoon!

And even if marriage isn’t in your future, or even your dreams, let’s not forget that this month is also home to Valentine’s Day! Amy Sulam’s “Snarkology” will explain how she avoids being a “messy [w]itch”—when she avoids it. Taking her lead, don’t worry so much about being alone on the big day that you end up risking your friendships looking for companionship! Cody Tracey introduces you to one of the most exciting LGBT offerings on Valentine’s Day, the Music City Sisters’ Pink Panty Pulldown, and you definitely don’t need a date for this one!

In this month of love, we also profile some of Nashville’s LGBT couples that are changing our city, state, and country, through political and social activism, as well as through putting positive images of LGBT people before the public eye. It’s true, making a difference doesn’t require a partner, but it’s truly inspiring what these couples have managed to accomplish during their long, or brief, relationships.
