Knoxville news briefs

Peace Walk

An international group of walkers began a peace walk journey on March 14, 2005 . Included in the group was Knoxville ’s own Kip Williams, a local GLBT activist who was among the East Tennessee contingent participating the Tennessee Equality Project’s Equality Day on the Hill.

Leaving from the gates of the Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Plant in Oak Ridge, Tenn., the walk will be a seven week long pilgrimage ending in New York City on May 1. The group plans their arrival to coincide with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference to be held at the headquarters of the United Nations.

"The U.S. has created an atmosphere that could spark a new Nuclear Arms Race," says organizer Marcus Atkinson. "We are coming together for this walk because we have lost faith in the disarmament process. It is time for us to demand that our governments create a safe and peaceful world. Ending the nuclear industry is the first step in this process."

For more information contact Jim Toren at (513) 403-6698 or Tyler at (206) 919-7634.

KACCJ Public Health Forum

A panel discussion of issues in public health was held at the Candy Factory on the World’s Fair Site on April 7, 2005 . Dr. Paul Erwin of the Tennessee State Health Department and Dr. Gene Fitzhugh of the University of Tennessee spoke on the influences of race and socioeconomic status on health care access, utilization and health outcomes.

The event was presented by the Knoxville Area Coalition for Common Justice.

GLBT Health Directories

Knoxville Cares president and Knox County Health Department HIV/ADIS outreach worker, Kristin Sellars tells Out and About – East Bureau that the new GLBT health resources directories are available for pickup and distribution. There is no charge for the directories.

Please call Kristin at (865) 215-5083 or stop by the Knox County Health Department located at 140 Dameron Avenue . Kristin is in Room 136.

Knox County Dem convention

About 160 Knox County Democrats assembled at Bearden Middle School on Saturday, April 9, 2005 , for the county-wide convention. Jim Gray was re-elected Chair by a vote of 83 to 56.

The proceedings were videotaped for future airing on local cable access. Check your local listings for air times.

Out in the Park

The third annual “Out at the Park” will be held at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge on Saturday, May 28, from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. As part of a two-day event, there will be the first annual “Out at the Water Park ” on the following day, Sunday, May 29, 2005 , at Dolly’s Water Park , also in Pigeon Forge.

Participants are asked to wear a red shirt to show their pride. Previous events boasted more than 3,000 participants gathering for fun with friends and family.

For further information, contact Ryan Salyer at