Knoxville: Diversity Prom 2009

To the editor:

This Past Sunday night was The Diversity Prom which was held at Fairbanks. The prom was for teens from Knoxville and the surrounding areas. The turn out was more than I could have ever imagined.

The placed was packed with teens, volunteers, and even some parents who came out to help make sure the night went without flaws. I was talking with some of my friends after the prom had ended, and I told them I knew the event was important but I never realized how important until I stood there and watched the teens have so much fun. So many of the teens came up to me and wanted to express thanks to all those involved in making the event possible.

They said unlike the prom held by their local school they felt free to be themselves and let their guard down. Some even told me that they were thankful for the Diversity Prom because they did not go to their school's prom, some for personal reasons and some said because they were not allowed to bring their significant other.

I realized not only did we provide a safe place for these teens to come together and have fun, we provided some if not all with memories that will last a lifetime. I know I am writing a book but I need to thanks some people before I close this out. Thanks to Fairbanks management & staff for allowing us to have the prom in their venue and for providing great service.

Thanks to Spectrum, all the GSA orginizations, Community Pride of Knoxville, and ALL VOLUNTEERS without you this prom would not have been possible. Thanks to DJ Kelly for doing an fantastic job keeping the crowd dancing all night long. Thanks to all the Entertainers Demitrya, Syren Knosis, Vanity Love, Mariska Cantrell, Champale Denise, Lilith Cantrell, and special appearances by Frankie and Chris.

You ALL did an amazing job and I am so thankful you wanted to be apart of The Diversity Prom. Last but not least a special thanks to all of the Young Adults who came out and to the parents who came supporting their children. Seeing all the people their made me smile in knowing that the young adults in Knoxville and the surrounding areas realize that no matter what their sexual orientaiton, ethnic group, background, age, etc... they deserve respect, and equality. If I have forgotten to thank anyone then I am truly sorry. Knoxville with these young adults ready and eager to journey out into the world feel confident that the future is definantly looking up!

Much Love,

Big Lily Luscious