July Horoscopes

Aries. 3-21 to 4-19
With your planetary ruler Mars the planet of action and self-preservation in the sign of Leo, a sign friendly to your ego, look to accomplish at work or play many of the things that have been just sitting there waiting for you to devote your time and energy to. So, many of the cosmetic essentials become resolved. When it comes to more intimate issues of interacting with others, there is a different story to be told. Co-evolution is an art. It’s just not something that you can get inoculated for. So, a moment in time to examine the root of your ego and travel to the very depths of your psyche. What do you really want in life and what can you impart from yourself to bring about this communion? Time to take a walk and smell the air, listen to nature, see that life is all about sharing.

Taurus. 4-20 to 5-20
For the most part this should be a glorious month for you. There is however, a little planetary warfare going on that will test your cosmic morality. This will be displayed more in a physical way. Just because someone or something looks good, does not mean it will taste good. Your faith can blind you when you invest your beliefs in those that are not worthy of you. Your natural traits of being objective and rational need to be ever present to keep you safe from seduction. Relationships or even friendships and partnerships are excellent as long as a moral fiber is being displayed. You are always loyal to the core so expect many invitations this month from weddings to formal affairs. Both the New Moon on the 2nd and the Full Moon on the 18th are days that will provoke positive memories. It’s also a time to plant foundations that will require about 6 months to germinate. Time to work on the home or look for a new one.

Gemini. 5-21 to 6-21
You’re a sign that is into recycling. Well, instead of paper and bottles, it’s time for you. Have you been having problems in getting a good nights sleep? Have you had difficulty in remaining cool, calm and collected? Has that restlessness for changes caused you to get a speeding ticket? Well, I think that the answer is yes to all of the above. The inner dynamics of you are beginning to emerge that suggests transition. A new vision unfolding right before your eyes. Because it is so complex it can be confusing and a little chaotic. You need to remember that life is more of a spiritual evolution than a physical one. A new encoding of the singular self is being brought into manifestation. Look at it in the respect that you are going into labor and this isn’t going to be over quickly but when it is, you as well as others will marvel at what is before you.

Cancer. 6-22 to 7-22
This month you need to reach for things beyond your grasp. Be instinctual, that is a given within your collective parts of being. Slowly, week by week your surroundings and that which exist within them become boring. This is nothing more than an endowment of confidence that you are on course with your evolution. I know you can tolerate change but you need to be weaned off the stale bread of life and detach yourself from matter. Surrender to the initiation into new intentions. The dynamics of your life need to change. Commit to achieving what your imagination holds true. Getting out of the house or the state and saying yes to more adventurous states of consciousness enable that breath of fresh air that you need so desperately. It’s time for the paranormal.

Leo. 7-23 to 8-23
The first couple of weeks in July may seem like the month has changed but nothing else. But after the 13th the personal planets begin to stir a recipe of activity that bring personal and professional happiness. The divine potential that is within you is liberated, back from almost extinction. Your soul cannot be eradicated. You are the Goddess of pistis, you have faith and confidence and your blood is circulating once again that brings about a thirst for experience and achievement. It is a time to be bold and put all your energy into being self-indulgence. It’s time to quit watching the movie and write your own script. This is an exceptional time for learning. You are Leo the lion, the king of this jungle, the lens of open intent. You exemplify the splendor of power. Don’t forget who you are.

Virgo. 8-24 to 9-22
Everything in your life is determined by your mind, the intellect. This month you may feel that self-expression is dead. I think what you need to understand is that you may be in an intellectual rut. Same old ideas. It’s just a matter of remembering that true creativity, which is a definitive part of you, comes from a more authentic expression of your innate self. This should not be a moment of dreams but true imagination. A Libra will help define this for you so that the fragments of your life can be more individualized and in turn cause you to make better choices. Your brain will begin to illuminate that which has been sealed within you. Whether for business or pleasure it’s time for human collaboration. The immense depth and complexity of life becomes quiet, so that you can now bath in the calmness of life.

Libra. 9-23 to 10-23
The organic nebula of life has created a newborn Sun. While this new life has been spinning out of control it is slowing down to take its rightful place. You are like the immortal child of light in a simulated world. The chaos becomes stabilized with good news. It’s about money, love and your career that creates a habitat laden with milk and honey. Life is no longer inanimate. The pain of your passions is healed. This momentous conversion puts you on tract in your evolutionary life. Time to think about marriage or children or other dramatic changes. You have the ability to see with your feelings. What do you want to manifest right now? There are a few of you that understand your sacred lineage. That singularity of human potential that brings love and joy to humanity at large. How can you not succeed? It has been your courage to seek liberation and thus enlightenment.

Scorpio. 10-24 to 11-22
The planet Mars is still in position to annoy you with those pesky critters in life. Why don’t they take no for an answer so you can move on with things that are more deserving of your time and energy. But, the other side of life is certainly nothing to complain about. There’s a spark of creative genius that like an earthquake is going to expose itself. Slowly but deliberately a new guiding narrative puts you in touch with new aims. The ultimate goal can be attained. Your efforts for perfection and the almost superhuman strength for the unattainable advanced you into the higher ranks of attunement. In spiritual circles we call this the Hierophant. You have solved one of the great mysteries of your-self. Give up the ego and your perceptions of your reality become not only clear but you ingest all to satisfy the thirst.

Sagittarius. 11-23 to 12-21
Once you get into the 2nd week of July, some things will begin to clear up. Right now being impatient and thinking your way is the word, will get you into bed by yourself. What needs to be understood is there is a resurrection that is going on in the deeper recesses of your soul and that you need to rejoice over this revelation. You are becoming more aware of the wider self. So the 3rd dimension is hard to live in. This is a time of mystical encounters and visions. You can’t talk to others about this but you can impart to the self-fruits of this ultimate learning experience. This is a time of regenerative bliss. You have the knowledge to either assimilate this with the right or left parts of the brain. The right part will bring ecstasy and euphoria through what is being illuminated but the left will depress and mislead you.

Capricorn. 12-22 to 1-20
You are a person that is very objective as well as rational. If there is a mistake, you will correct it. Well, for the first couple of weeks of July others have ideas and they try to pitch them to you but what they are asserting is all wrong. I think their intentions are all about distorting the truth for issues of power and control. This then fabricates a testament of your primordial values of what is right and what is wrong. It brings to the surface that indwelling divinity within you. Your mental conditioning will filter out the ego and bring justice to these moments. You are more than just a pillar in society. You have intrinsic understanding of the laws of karma. This is why you are not only responsible but in a state of cultivation of the human potential.

Aquarius. 1-21 to 2-18
You’re a sign that helps humanity to fulfill it’s divine potential. Well this month you need to concentrate on developing your own potentials. This month has to be all about you. You need not only to claim but cultivate your egotistic powers. Help yourself first then you’re in a position to act as a facilitator for the dreams of others. This is a month of self-generating. Your faculties are very precise which is good because you’re dealing with a lot of viable alternatives this month. Research, reflection and discussion on all subjects as well as opportunities is needed. There is a solution to the crisis at hand. You are the champion when it comes to visionaries. There is a silent knowing there will be a cosmic plenitude. Don’t let self-doubt become a part of your language.

Pisces. 2-19 to 3-20
Talk about an esoteric month, well here it is. Everything has deep meaning issues behind it. You may need help from others to fully understand what and why. This month your telepathic abilities come to the surface of everyday living. It’s hard to understand a person like you that can talk to plants and animals without a mouth or tongue. There is a long lost wisdom in your faculty of imagination. Your dreams will plunge you into deep recesses of an emergent world. That which has yet to be created. You are becoming the shepherd, the beacon and have direct access to the unknown. You are the person to come to for advice. The angels pay you homage. To enter into these rare moments is indigenous to your sign. Good luck in explaining this to your friends.