Jim Shulman formally announced last night that he is a candidate for Metro Council At-Large. The election is scheduled for August 6.
Shulman made the formal announcement in front of more than 150 friends and supporters at Houston Station. In his remarks to the crowd, Shulman stressed the need for our growing city to take the necessary steps now to protect our future.
“With Nashville's growth comes the need for thoughtful planning and an engaged Council to ensure that our future remains bright,” said Shulman. “Our Metro Council needs to take a hard look at developing and implementing a comprehensive transportation plan; we should be encouraging a more civil dialogue about our public schools; and we must continue attracting new business and industry to our City."
Shulman previously represented the 25th District – which includes the Green Hills area - on the Council from 1999 to 2007 where he chaired numerous committees including Budget, Transportation and Public Works. He currently serves as the Executive Director for the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability. He has also served as President of the Board of Directors for Safe Haven Family Shelter, Renewal House and Outlook Nashville.
In December, Shulman appointed Mary Nell Bryan, a well-known community leader and advocate, as his campaign treasurer. “Jim and I have been friends for over twenty years, and his commitment to public service and to Nashville is unrivaled,” said Bryan. “Whether in government or private sector, he is always focused on finding common sense solutions and promoting ideas that are intended to improve our community.”
Jim Shulman has lived in Nashville for 28 years, and he’s been a leader in both public service and small business throughout his career. Jim is a former Chief of Staff for the Speaker of the Tennessee House, and he is experienced running a successful small business. Shulman graduated from Vanderbilt with majors in Business and Political Science and earned his law degree from Vanderbilt Law School. Jim met his wife Lori at Vanderbilt, and they raised their two daughters here in Nashville.
For more information about the campaign, please visit www.jimshulman.com