In Memory of Mike Meier

Mike Meier

In late September, our community lost a sweet, loving friend who made life better for all of us. Mike Meier was a dear and gentle force in so many of our lives, and we mourn his all-too-early passing. Among the ways he showed his generous spirit was when he hosted annual AIDS Walk House Party fundraisers at his Kansas City, Mo., home from 2012 to 2015.

Fondly referred to as Mikey by all who knew and loved him, he had that rare ability to move through this world without making judgments of other people, their behaviors or their prejudices. He was there always to support, cheerlead and love. Mikey was truly a warrior of the heart. 

He had so many friends that he dearly loved, and they loved him right back. He was among that rare class of people beloved by everyone they meet. He died by himself, but I feel that hundreds of people, if not thousands, loved him and cared about him.

And we now grieve him, trying to make sense of our loss. I will remember my friend Mikey every day of my life, as I know all of his friends reading this will. 

We were so lucky to have this gentle, generous soul in our lives as long as we did.  He made our community more fun and more caring. Mikey’s life was well-lived and at this moment we are all shocked, and sad. I know that his life, as long as he lived it, made all of our lives better. If I could tell him that, I would.

Editor's Note:  Friends of Mike Meier have posted information on Facebook about an event this weekend to honor him.  "A sunflower-inspired reception will be held Sunday, October 16th, for our sweet friend, Mikey. E-mail for more information."