How's it hangin'?

by Chris Candler
Staff Writer

Length, girth, circumcision, masturbation - no topic is off limits in the cutting-edge performance of "Stand and Deliver."

"Stand and Deliver" is a celebration of the penis modeled after the Eve Ensler's "Vagina Monologues" and Stand's sister production "Read My Lips." From masturbation to intercourse, Stand offers many points of view, good and bad, about the penis, said Director Chelsea Loves.

“Stand and deliver has a little bit of everything, some topics covered are stereotypes such as how a man should act, gay versus straight, names for the penis, masturbation, and much more," Loves said. "Each cast member writes his or her own material which includes many points of view on several subjects.”

The show will be in Nashville April 24-26 (seel locations belows) and costs a special donation of $10. Proceeds will go to raise money for the Sexual Assault Center, which offers assistance equally to men and women.

Loves, an egalitarian feminist, leads a diverse cast of men, women and transgender who are standing up in one voice and many stories to state, “Our voice counts!”

Loves and Magda Oakewoman co-produced "Read My Lips" to emphasize the importance of gender equality. The idea of the show was coined due to a lack of shows for men expressing their perspective.

“Gender diversity brought about the idea that everyone had the right to speak,” Loves said.

"Stand and Deliver" provides the venue for the penis to be heard. The title is a play on words that men are always expected to stand and deliver whether at work, sports, school, or sexually.

“We all have something to say about manhood, penises, and stereotypes," Loves said about the show's core message. "Everyone’s voice is important and should be heard. There is too much media influence dictating what a 'man' should be. Men are stereotyped just as women are and it is important to see that there is more than one point of view.”

The show also aims to impress an important message to the audience that one-in-six men will be abused by the age of 16 as compared to one-in-four women. This statistic is not often mentioned but is no less important, Loves said.

"There just are not enough resources available for men who have been victims of abuse and violence,” Loves said. “Violence against men is a real issue just as violence against women is a real issue. We all have a valid story and a voice that should be heard”

See it:
* Friday, April 24 @ Little Hamilton, 7pm
1318 Little Hamilton Ave., Nashville, TN 37203

* Saturday, April 25 @ Revive, 7pm
1703 Church Street, Nashville, Tennessee 37203

* Sunday, April 26 @ Mad Donna’s, 1pm
1313 Woodland St., Nashville, TN 37206

For reservations call 615-945-2856 or email .