Health and Fitness - Today Is the Day

Today is not yesterday, and today is not tomorrow. It is today, and you can get started on your way to wellness … today!
The excellent thing about today is that even if you smoked two packs of cigarettes last Thursday, today you can choose to not smoke any. Today you can let your lungs start clearing out all that bad stuff you’ve been putting in there for so long.
It’s amazing to think that today you can start drinking your recommended daily eight cups of water. It really doesn’t matter that you’ve been drinking six cans of Pepsi each day for the last month. What truly matters is that you want to make a change now and introduce your body to that old friend H2O.
How wonderful that today is not tomorrow and that you can immediately eat more fruits and vegetables than you have been eating lately. Your neighborhood grocery store has grapes, carrots, plums and string beans, and they are all just sitting there waiting to make your acquaintance today. Never mind that your past hasn’t been too cozy with these foods. The calendar says it’s today, and it’s certainly OK to start anew.
That six-year grudge you’ve had with your sister-in-law can happily end today. It is not important that there was not a cease-fire three Thanksgivings ago, and it is not healthy to keep up the anger. You have all of today to let that bad baggage go away.
Your garage has your bicycle hidden among the clutter that keeps your car relegated to the driveway. Today is a terrific opportunity to get that two-wheeled cruiser out of hibernation and back into active service. The bike pump will be your wingman on this day filled with 24 whole hours.
Within that garage of yours are Frisbees, baseball gloves, a basketball, and an assortment of other sporting gear that hasn’t seen daylight in a long time. It’s so fantastic that you can gather all these objects together and take them on your bike ride to a park for some recreational rambunctiousness. It’s even better that you can have all that fun with all that stuff today.
It’s simply exciting that today you can find several sets of stairways in all the buildings that you visit. No worries if you haven’t used one of these in awhile. They are quite user-friendly, and you don’t have to wait for them like an elevator. You simply put one foot in front of the other and hold on to the railing. They can take you up or down, and they are available for use every day -- but especially today.
There’s not anything more that can be done with yesterday, and tomorrow is already the busiest day of the year. That leaves today to get on your way to wellness. Let’s get going!
This article of wellness is brought to you right here, right now, by that guy in the present named Ron Blake. He can found between the past and future at"