Health and Fitness - In Spring, Warm Up, Move Around and Help Your Health

Spring has been sprung on all of us. Put away those scarves, mittens, shovels and stocking caps. This season provides plenty of opportunities to start building a healthier tomorrow.

If you like baseball, think of this effort as spring training. Get ready to knock it out of the park with daily walks around the old neighborhood. It’s time to strike out laziness and get back to weight training. Go and play hardball with the pantry: No more junk food for the next few weeks. Don’t let those roving Girl Scouts throw you a curveball with those boxes of Thin Mints. Spring forward with vegetables and fruits instead.

Or maybe you could consider it spring cleaning, cleaning up the mess you’ve made since that Thanksgiving feast back in November. Sweep out that closet full of maybes, tomorrows, nevers, and won’t happens. Polish the floors and see the reflection of you and yes. Clean the windows and let the light of hope shine through. Scrub the shower and rinse away the bad habits of an unhealthy winter. Spring to your feet and clean up your house.

Spring also brings us the hard-working Easter Bunny. This guy has no sleigh or Santa to drive him around. The Tooth Fairy has wings to move from pillow to pillow. Jack Frost just slides his way through life. Be inspired by the bunny, because it’s going to take some effort on your part to fill up your Easter basket with good health. Hop to it!

Spring break offers babes and bikinis on beautiful beaches with boys and biceps. If your days of being that spring chicken are in the rearview mirror and this doesn’t seem possible for you anymore, add a spring to your step and work toward your goal. You’re only as old as you want to be. You’ll need a gym and a desire. Spring into action!

Spring also brings us April Fool’s Day, which is like the crazy uncle of the season. Beware the jokers that tell you it can’t be done. Steer clear of the clowns that trick you into their diabolical dietary detours. Prepare for the jesters that laugh at your attempts to better your life. You can do this! Bypass these buffoons and get serious about your well-being.

The spring tradition of Mother’s Day honors matriarchs throughout the land. Moms always want to see their sons and daughters make the best of their lives. Give your mother her card and a rose on her big day, but the greatest gift you can give Mom is your gift of health. Find a way to maintain your wellness and spring to life for Mom.

It doesn’t matter how miserable and unhealthy your winter was. The snow is almost melted and the flowers are ready to bloom. This is the time that hope springs eternal. Get out there and get healthy.

This article about wellness is brought to you by that guy of equinoxal equanimity. That guy of equal days and nights is Ron Blake, and he can be found balanced perfectly at