Health and Fitness - Don’t Let the Holidays Wallop You!

Un dia a la vez! That’s Spanish for “one day at a time.” And that is my best healthy advice to make it through life … and most especially the holiday season. Remember: This is a fun time of the year!

How easy it is to get overwhelmed by everything that’s scheduled for December. But don’t do it. Keep everything in small and manageable pieces that you tackle one by one as you fly your reindeer toward the New Year.

You have 17 presents to buy for relatives. Several of these family members are difficult to buy for. Get some help from some of your relatives and friends. Share this shopping time with others. You will probably enjoy it more and finish more quickly. And remember: This is fun! If someone does not like the gift you give them, life will still move on.

The tree needs to be put up, the lights need to go on the roof, and all those indoor decorations need to be put into place. It could take an entire day to make that happen, but try finding an hour each day for a week to do it gradually. And remember: This is fun!

You were invited to more than a dozen holiday parties last year, and this year it looks like there will be even more to attend. But don’t look at this as something that has to be done. Instead, just pick some get-togethers that you really will enjoy and go. Focus on each party as it comes. And remember: This is fun!

You are planning a big party yourself, and that means you’ll need to buy so much food and drink. But you could plan ahead and get that shopping done early. You could even share the task by asking all your guests to bring a dish. It will probably be more exciting to see what everyone prepares, and that will help you save so much time. Remember: This is fun!

At your job, you have plenty of extra work to complete for the end-of-year reports. Don’t let it cause you extra stress, though. Just take it all one project at a time. Do not think about all the projects that need to be completed. That will only zap your energy, causing you to perform much worse. And remember:

This time of the year is fun!

This also can be the time of the year when most of us experience less-than-ideal weather. Just ask Rudolph. Be safe on those snowy and icy roads. Concentrate on getting to your destination, and avoid distractions while driving. The weather might suck, but remember: This is a fun time of the year!

The holiday season is so much better and healthier when you don’t let it all hit you at once. It is good to be mindful of the future, but not at the expense of the present. Enjoy all the fun and each moment as it comes.

Un dia a la vez and Feliz Navidad!

This wellness article is brought to you by that guy with all the jolliness of St. Nick. That guy of North Pole niceness is Ron Blake and he’s checking his lists twice at