GLBT chamber to meet at Mirror

By John Wade, president
Nashville GLBT Chamber of Commerce

Join Us at Mirror for Social Networking

After a fall filled with elections, lots of community related events, Thanksgiving, etc., I am sure we'll all enjoy something low-key for our November meeting.  It's been a while but we are returning to one of our favorite spots for such an occasion.

Join us, Tuesday, November 28, 5:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.  Bring a friend and enjoy some social networking.  Then grab a table, stay for dinner and catch up with a member or two.  Appetizers and cash bar will be available.

Mirror Restaurant, 2317 S 12th Avenue, Nashville  37204

Board Elections in December

It's time to fill officer positions for the Board of Directors.  If you are interested in serving on the board, let the nominating committee know this week!  Positions to be filled are President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Membership Chair and Program Chair.

Nominating committee    Rick Harris, Pam Wheeler, Jeff Rymer, Terry Gordon and Bradley Pinson.

The "Listening Tour" Continues

Thirty two of you responded to my request for one on one meetings to discuss the future of the Chamber.  This is a tremendous response and I thank you!

Many meetings have already occurred and many more are on my schedule.  I am learning a lot from you and it is encouraging to know there is such interest in the success of this organization.  I look forward to giving a full report to the membership soon.

If we have not had an opportunity for a one on one discussion, I would enjoy talking with you.  Send me an email request or give me a call.  I would be delighted to add more of you to the tour.

Annual Holiday Party - Tuesday, December 12

Our annual Holiday Party is being hosted this year by former board president, Van Pond and his partner and Chamber member, David Glasgow at their newly and fabulously renovated home at 1802 Primrose Avenue.

Additional details and directions to come in out next update.

Following tradition, members who wish to help with the party may join the host committee for a contribution of $100.  If you are interested, contact me or Amos Gott for more details.