Gift Guide: Clifton + Leopold (Editor’s Pick)

This month, I asked my regular contributors to consider the gifts they’d recommend, and we compiled those into a holiday gift guide. Normally I’m the book and film guy, but those were taken! So I set out in search of something specific to Nashville that I could truly recommend.

I’m not a fashionista by any stretch of the imagination. But I like bright colors and vibrant patterns. I’m a real sucker for anything androgynous and edgy (even if I’m not really bold enough to wear it myself). And this is why I chose the accessories of Clifton + Leopold as my recommendation for this gift guide. If you’re looking to spend a little more to put a little brightness in a special someone’s life, you can’t go wrong with something from this company, which describes itself as “Born in Nashville TN, handcrafted in the USA.”

My absolute favorites include the Vodka tie, which I might even be bold enough to wear one day, when we are allowed out into the light again! The Outlaw kerchief is lovely on the model: though I don’t know if I’d ever go that far, I can think of plenty of people I think it’d look great on. And if you just don’t see a piece of clothing that fits, think candles!

Outlaw kerchief

"That old backpack and kerchief were all he owned. But he had something most people didn't, he had sunsets and he had time."

Vodka Tie

"He never drank tequila. He never did anything that dulled his magic."

Lilium tie

"She was glad they fell in love in the spring, so the lilies would always remind him of her."

Warhol bow

"He didn't mean to be grandiose.  Finding art in the everyday details of assembly lines, flower beds and his American life was his thing."

Hollywood bow & Beginning twilly

"She went there for the lights and the cameras, but she stayed for the action. "

Deux candle

"The first snowfall always felt like magic. But it was the second one that made it real."

Check out the full product line at!