The March shows of Out & About Today on NewsChannel 5+ will feature the HRC Dinner, lesbian health, gay soccer, Nashville's Conductors, and two commuity roundtable segments.
Topics on Show 1 include:
Show 1 will air: March 2, 3, 4, 16, 17, 18, 30, 31 and April 1
NEWS SEGMENT: Jeremy talks with Amos Gott and Billy Leslie about the upcoming HRC Dinner.
The Human Rights Campaign is the largest national Lesbian and Gay political organization in the United States. This year’s annual Equality Dinner is just around the corner. Here to get us ready for the anticipated event is AMOS GOTT and BILLY LESLIE.
ROUNDTABLE SEGMENT: Pam is joined by guests Rachel Taylor, Joe Brant, and Gary Smith.
ENTERTAINMENT SEGMENT: Brent talks to Todd Hughes and Keith Hinkle with the Nashville Bulls, Nashville's new gay soccer team.
Over the last year or so sports options for the GLBT community have been on the rise across the state. We’ve seen The Grizzlies, a new Rugby team, form right here in Nashville and more recently a new gay basketball league take shape in Memphis. Building off the momentum of this renewed enthusiasm for physical activity and team spirit, local activist Todd Hughes recently decided he was going to get in on the action and organize Nashville’s first GLBT soccer team. Todd is here with me tonight to share his progress along with fellow team member Keith Hinkle.
Topics on Show 2 include:Show 2 will air: March 9, 10, 11, 23, 24, 25
NEWS SEGMENT: Lesbian Health Risks
Pam talkws with Sarah Fogel from the Vanderbilt School of Nursing about health risks for lesbians.
Over the years – studies have shown lesbians face a greater risk of obesity than heterosexual women. Joining me today to talk about that and some of the other serious health risks facing lesbians is Sarah Fogel – a professor of Nursing at Vanderbilt University.
ROUNDTABLE SEGMENT: Jerry is joined by guests Shane Burkett, Kim Council and Jimmy Witty.
ENTERTAINMENT SEGMENT: Jeremy talks with Ron Balcarras from The Conductors as they celebrate their 25th anniversay.
You have heard us talk about several charity organizations but what makes our next guest different is that his group is doing it with style and flare. Some would even call it controversial. So here to tell all about the Conductors is group member RON BALCARRAS.