From landscaping to manscaping, it's time to sharpen your shears

Spring has sprung, and it’s time to spruce up our life! While you’re taking care of your yard don’t forget to take some time to focus on yourself.  Pretty up your yard and groom your bod to insure that you’re ready for backyard fun in tanks and shorts in the blistering months to come.

Straighten up, Mr. Sister
Before you start any work on your yard, head into the garage and stop the madness.  Get your tools organized and create a gardening space so that you can easily locate any shovels or shears you may need.  If you’re like me and you want an easy, cheap solution, buy Sterilite clear plastic storage boxes to store your smaller gardening tools. 

Rinse the tools clean and check for optimal sharpness of your shears before placing them in the box and record each item stored on a single index card.  Tape the index card to the outside of the box so that you'll know just where to look for your spading fork when the time comes. 

Use wall hooks for your larger tools, capping off your gardening section of the garage. An organized collection of gardening tools will inspire you to get out there and work your magic.  Tools of the trade include a bow rake, hoes, gardening shears, watering cans, small, medium and large shovels and spading forks.

In the bathroom, get your manscaping tools in order, too.  Check out for some innovative storage solutions. 

Try to avoid purchasing any type of storage system with too much space.  Extra space will only encourage you to keep what you just don’t need.  Toss products that you haven’t touched in months, and be aware that moisturizers generally have a shelf life of two years maximum. 

Stock up on moisturizers because warmer weather means thirsty skin.  Try for reviews on the latest in men’s skincare.  For a nice springy glow, look for TanTowel’s sunless tanning moist towelettes. The tiny packets are effective and simple to store just about anywhere.  But don’t use a self tanner without a good defoliant to slough off dead skin.  Look for Neutrogena Body Scrub or just add a tablespoon of granulated sugar to a dollop of your favorite body wash and scrub, scrub, scrub. 

Gimme, Gimme Mow!
For land:
When starting to get your yard in gear, the place to start is with your lawn. You want to keep the grass neat, clean and pristine. Just like removing unwanted, excess body hair, you want to remove the weeds from your lawn and cut back the excess.

Do your homework before buying a lawnmower.  Assess your needs and be sure that you know the answers to the following questions before you head to the store:
• How large is your lawn?
• Are you looking for a reel or a rotary mower?
• Are you looking for a gas-powered mower or is battery operated more your style?
• Do you want a push or a ride on mower?

Walking into the store prepared to answer these questions will cut down on time and will help the salesperson get a better grasp on your landscaping needs. Or, there's the other option to kick back and relax while someone cuts the grass for you. Check your local papers for a reliable lawn mowing service or give your business to a local youngster to encourage his entrepreneurial spirit.

For man:
To effectively groom body hair new, sterile tools are an absolute must.  Un-wanted body hair on the chest or the back can keep you in a t-shirt all summer long.  Back hair is difficult to remove by yourself and embarrassing to deal with in a salon.  Luckily, avant-garde male grooming company, ManGroomer, has come up with a groundbreaking product to solve your back hair woes. 

The “do-it-yourself back shaver” allows you to get rid of that unwanted hair all by yourself.  This innovative design is a long, jointed, electric razor that locks into place at different angles to be sure that you don’t miss a spot.  ManGoomer has also created a “private body shaver” which allows you to get rid of any other unwanted body on the chest and down below. 

If a little pain doesn’t scare you off, men’s waxing is all the rage.  The “Boyzillian” (men’s Brazillian) is gaining popularity as the effects of waxing last far longer than that of shaving or harsh hair removing chemicals.  Wax Nashville is a full service skincare and waxing boutique catering to anyone with some unwanted scruff.  They’ll wax anything from your brows to your back making sure that you’re nice and smooth for the sunny days to come.

Trim it good
Your body and your shrubs are similar in that a little trim goes a long way. Pruning your shrubs and trimming your locks keeps everything healthy and looking fresh, full and clean. 

For land:
Pruning your shrubs is as easy as one, two, three. First, be sure that your shears are extra sharp.  Start by carefully removing any dead leaves or buds from the shrub.

When you are ready to begin cutting into the bulk of the shrub, be sure to cut the branches off just above the spot where it connects with the trunk.  Cut the branch at an angle to insure that water will drip off the plant to avoid growth of fungus that may damage your shrub.  Use your judgment and be sure that you have a shape in mind to avoid over pruning.

For man:
When getting ready to trim your hair for spring, decide whether you want to change up your look.  Do you want a Zac Efron messy mop?  Some Kanye stripes shaved into the sides?  The classic Clooney, or the Beckham faux hawk? 

If you’re planning to change up your look for spring, be sure to chose your hairdresser carefully, and bring a picture.  Identity Salon in Hermitage is an affordable, great, small salon, with hairdressers who listen to what you want.  No matter where you go to get that springtime trim, be sure that your hairdresser understands what you are looking for.  If it looks like they aren’t doing what you asked don’t hesitate to speak up.