Fantasy Fridays

By Tiffany Hopkins, September 2015 Issue.

Photos courtesy of Fantasy Fridays.

If you’ve ever wondered where the ladies of Phoenix go for go-go dancers, celebrity appearances, live music, the hottest DJs as well as local fashion and art, we have the answer.

For the past six months it’s been Fantasy Fridays, at AQUA Night Club.

Billed as the Valley’s only exclusive night for “women who love women,” this weekly event is the latest collaborative effort by Miss DJ MJ and Nick Offenberger, Boss Couple Entertainment founder.

This duo, known for throwing a variety of LGBT events throughout the Valley, started discussing the possibility of a recurring event like this last year – a concept that started with a quest to do something bigger and better.

“We wanted to do something really big for the LGBT community, because everyone has shown us so much support with our past events,” said Marla Young, also known as Miss DJ MJ. “We thought to ourselves, ‘we know a lot of lesbians, let’s make a lesbian party.’”

The result has included everything from themed parties and bottle service to celebrity appearances and guest performers.

“A lot of LGBT clubs just cater to the men, and we wanted to provide something for the ladies,” Offenberger said, adding that he and Young find joy in coming up with new ideas and staying relevant. “We keep our ears open, creating a great event is a combination of work and ideas throughout the entire process.”

According to Young and Offenberger, people in the community constantly reach out to them and want to be a part of the movement, and they are open to the ideas they receive. One such example is that, while Fantasy Fridays serves as a giant weekly party, it’s also as a place for female artists in the community to showcase their work. From performing artists to fashion designers, every week the event promises something new.

“We’re so grateful for the support, and we wanted to give LGBT female artists a place to shine,” Young said, “we want to give them a platform to expand their brand[s].”

Among the artists who have been featured as part of Fantasy Fridays is snapback designer and founder of Sugar Candy Snapbacks Terria Harvey.

“If it wasn’t for Fantasy Fridays, my business would not be what it is right now,” Harvey said, adding that it has been one of the best opportunities she has encountered since creating the brand. “The networking is so awesome and it allows me to collaborate with other artists.”

According to Harvey, the response to her and her snapback line has been “unreal” since she showcased at the event, and she describes the exposure as a “domino effect” in regards to artists supporting one another.

Miss DJ MJ and Nick Offenberger.

“It’s all teamwork, and I see that from MJ and Nick,” Harvey said, adding that Fantasy Fridays is a testament to the passion of its creators. “I think it just comes down to wanting to see everyone succeed.”

Harvey added that she sees new people every time she attends the event.

“We wanted an event with all-around good energy, and we want to share it,” Young said. “It’s all love in the building on this night.”

This atmosphere is exactly what Young and Offenberger were shooting for, agreeing that their goal was for every aspect of Fantasy Fridays – from the special guests to the and collaborators to the venue and music – to produce good vibes.

“As simple as it sounds, another reason why it’s been successful is that we play good music,” Offenberger said. “These girls are some of the best DJs in the state.”

Whether it’s Young on the 1s and 2s, or a guest DJ, she said the majority of the music at Fantasy Fridays is hip-hop.

“[T]he fact that it’s an LGBT event that plays a lot of hip-hop music makes it different from other LGBT events,” Young said. “It’s a really positive night, and everyone that I see leaves happy.”

According to Young, the number one goal is to make sure everyone in the building is having a great time. And it seems to be working. Just six months into this new endeavor, Fantasy Fridays is still heating up with no sign of cooling down this fall.

For more information, including future theme parties, special guests and opportunities to get involved, like Fantasy Fridays on Facebook at and follow @fantasyfridaysaz on Instagram.

AQUA Night Club

9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. every Friday

1730 E. McDowell Road, Phoenix