Exposed: Jordan

Full Name: Jordan Casey Pelfrey

Birthday: 8/31/1989

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Hometown: West Palm Beach, FL

Current Town: Nashville,TN

I feel most confident when: I'm in the studio working on some new music, writing a new song or on stage playing a show. I hate to sound cliche', but music is my life, can't go a day without it. I also feel most confident surrounded by my closest friends, because without them, I'd be nowhere. I know I'm biased, but I honestly feel as though my friends are the most supportive, awesome, caring people I know!

What's one item you can't leave home without? My iPhone... I know everyone says that, but I feel naked when I can't stay in touch. I've literally turned the car around halfway through a trip just to retrieve it! haha

What's your favorite food? That's a really hard question for me. If I had to choose, I could probably narrow it down to either Greek or Thai. My friends and I probably keep quite a bit of East Nashville restaurants going with our attendance haha.

My greatest achievement has been: Graduating from Belmont University and Playing for the Queen of England last year in London! Two experiences that I will never forget!

What do you hope your next greatest achievement will be? Paying off all of my student loans...College wasn't cheap and I passed up a free-ride in Florida to come to Nashville. I still believe it was well worth it though. Also, I would have to say, finally securing my "big kid job".

Boxers or briefs? Um...commando ;)

If you won $1 million (tax free) and had to give half of it away, who would you give it to? I would probably split it in half and give half to my family for supporting me through all of these years. For all of the times that I was almost behind, they carried me, and I would like to return the favor. I would also like to see my little sister not have to worry about paying for college since I kind of used up all those funds. The other half I would donate to Blood:Water Mission, an organization whose sole mission is to empower communities to work together against the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa. They do amazing work and because of them, already over 1,000 communities in Africa now have access to clean drinking water!