2015 Echo Reader's Choice Award for Drag Queen

By KJ Philp, May 2015 Issue. Meet the other winners here.

This award makes a dirty dozed for Barbra Seville in this category; Richard Stevens has also taken home a Service by a Man Award.

Echo caught up with Seville following the April 9 awards ceremony and here's what she had to say:

Echo: This was a big year for you, can you recap some of the highlights of your reign as Miss Phoenix Gay Pride 2014?

Seville: This was an incredible year, between representing Phoenix Pride, working with the Pride contestants and educating our community about the incredible (and year-long) work that Pride does, I was also able to have a good time while supporting causes that are important to me.

Drag Queen 2015 makes Barbra Seville's 12th Echo Reader's Choice Award.

EchoNot many readers know you used to work on staff at Echo, what are some of your fondest memories from those days?

Seville: I worked there in the semi-early days of the internet, and at the time people would literally look to us for daily news and updates. I loved fielding calls and seeing our community rally at the last minute. Also, I loved doing Diva to Diva interviews. Craziest interview ever was Liza. Most awkward, in hindsight, was declining an interview with some singer named Lady Gaga. Best interview: RuPaul.

EchoWhat's the best advice you've ever received?

Seville: As a man the best advice was from my father: We should not let our mistakes decide our future. As a queen: Be yourself and do what you can do to be different.

EchoAny advice for community newcomers or the Susan Lucci's out there?

Seville: The "Susan Luccis" mostly have good attitudes about it, because it is an honor to be nominated. It really is. Be patient, if you do what you love the accolades will follow.

EchoWhere are the best places and stages to catch Babs at these days

Seville: The best place to see me is at the award-winning Barbra Seville Show on Saturday nights at The Rock. I may be biased, but I think it is the best show in town!

EchoIs there anyone you'd like to thank? Shoutouts you'd like to make?

Seville: My partner in crime this last year was 2014 Mister Phoenix Gay Pride Eddie Broadway. Without his enthusiasm, positivity and support this year would have been far more difficult. He kept me grounded and was a constant reminder of what we were trying to do. He is gonna be a huge star, and I will tell all of you that I predicted it!