Double your pleasure, double your fun

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do. Two can be as bad as one, at least if you're bored and stuck at home on a Saturday night.

One Nashville-based organization is in the business of making sure Middle Tennessee's gay and lesbian couples don't suffer the same fate.

Formed in 2000, Music City Couples was created to offer a social and supportive structure of committed couples. One of thirteen affiliates in the Couples-National Network, the organization now boasts 135 member couples whose differences---age, economic level and interest---make for an intriguing but altogether rewarding experience. Leader Larry Gold neatly sums up the organization's friendly tone.

"It is our main purpose to provide gay and lesbian committed couples a place to socialize and meet other couples," he says. "We want them to form friendships that are lasting. Friendships where they can socialize outside of couples as well as participate in our monthly events are encouraged."

These monthly events have been immensely popular, and the variety of social endeavors allows members to stay energized even as their schedules and their budgets tighten.

"We make every effort to provide a social event each month," Gold says. "Social events can be anything from a couple hosting a party in their home, dinner night out, bowling, swimming parties and potlucks in the park."

Annual celebrations on major holidays such as Valentine's Day, Independence Day and Halloween add a little extra spice to the season. Music City Couples also sponsors a Nashville Pride booth, and 2011 will mark the fourth consecutive year they've contributed to the festival.

A digital presence has become a prerequisite for social success, and Music City Couples relies on a custom website that updates members on monthly events. Organizers do not disclose any information on our members, and personal contact information is used solely for the purpose of member communication. Membership is free to all our couples, and communication is available through a group email account.

"We operate solely on donations from our couples," Gold says. "Donations are accepted through PayPal or by check. We will be providing another
booth at Pride Fair this year, which marks our third year in a row."

The organization also relies on volunteers to coordinate group activities finance, communications and membership. To raise funds, Music City Couples has developed a product line that includes shirts, hats and office supplies, all of which feature the organization's logo.

To join Music City Couples, and enjoy weekly email updates, simply email