December Horoscopes

Aries. 3-21 to 4-19.
You’re a sign that lives on the edge. This month brings an accumulation of everything you’ve been doing this year to its conclusion. It’s your trait of wanting to constantly test yourself that has put you on top to receive the rewards of a job well done as well as the internal happiness that your own motivation of not settling for second best has proven that you know what’s best for the self. The holidays bring warmth and laughter and those that have helped you throughout the year will also enjoy the success of your leadership. You do, boldly go where others fear to go to.

Taurus. 4-20 to 5-20. 
Well, this month is when your Taurus traits get to come out and the one I like is the material rewards you give yourself and others. Usually you are somewhat tight with money. Not this month. Get hold of the caterer, the liquor store, and let your friends see what money can buy. Have the party at your beautiful home. Make sure you get the extra large Xmas tree for all the lavish gifts that you have for them and your love ones. It’s really all about loyalty, faithfulness and love that you have for them and they for you.

Gemini. 5-21 to 6-21.
It’s the holidays, the only time of the year that you’ll need the extra large bottle of aspirin. It’s just that this month you have 100 things to do and 100 places you need to be at. Well, this is what your best at, spreading yourself thin. You make sure that others enjoy themselves. You are the most flexible of all the signs and while your going through your anxiety attacks, and don’t worry no one knows because your going so fast, make sure you do a few shots of tequila. This will help you step in and out of the dimension you’ll be in. Don’t they call you the Tequila Queen? Make sure that others know you would rather have a digital camera or camcorder and not jewelry for Xmas.

Cancer. 6-22 to 7-22.
You more than any other sign are into the home and family. Time to have relatives in from out-of-town and they must stay at your house. It’s more cozy that way. Have a party so that you can bring everyone together. I think you need to invite friends as well as people from work and if you run into someone that needs some cheering up then invite them also. All this love and warmth will spill over into the relationship. This month with the planet Mars in your sign the planet of passion and sex, look for the libido to be off the charts. It will be more than those flannel sheets that will be keeping you all warm and toasty.

Leo. 7-23 to 8-23.
This is the month that you’ve been waiting for. You can head to the mall and do some serious shopping. You need to remember that your there to buy presents for other people. Wish I were on your Xmas list because the price tag is something that you seldom look at. You’re not going to have time to have your own holiday party which is OK because you are the one sign that everyone wants at their party, matter of fact, what they really want is you. You are fun, charming and definitely the manifestation of pulchritude. You are the hottest thing out there.

Virgo. 8-24 to 9-22.
You need to break out of the routine your in and remember it’s the holidays. I’m sure you would rather stay home and read a good book or watch a movie that you’ve seen 10 times. But, with the planet Venus, which rules love and Mars the planet of sex and passion in complimentary signs, you need to get in front of that mirror, do the makeup, comb the hair, slip on something to show those assets and accept every invitation that’s out there. While everything else in life would say I can’t wait for the holidays to be over, there are people out there that want to talk to you, make love to you and share the holidays with you. You never know, this could be the one.

Libra. 9-23 to 10-23. 
While you’re a person that is very fair and balanced, this month could test your patience. Those people that are around you that are rude, cold and at times just callous are going to see a different side of you. You are in that moment of your life, that things that you and only you have been working so hard for are about to be digested. People are no longer going to tell you what to do and when to do it. More than one project will manifest and you have no idea how this will change the very essence of your being. How’s that for a Xmas present

Scorpio. 10-24 to 11-22.
If there is any one sign that has something to look forward to this month, it’s you. Look for a bonus that reflects how much time and energy you’ve put into work and yourself this year. It’s a good month to get out there and socialize. Have a few drinks, relax and get stupid if you need to. Even though the holidays are here you are still working hard to bring contracts to a conclusion. But it’s only so you can have more free time to enjoy the heavy-duty relationship you’re in and grab a few days in the Caribbean. Enjoy, for 2008 the awakening of a whole new wonderful chapter begins.

Sagittarius. 11-23 to 12-21.
You are a sign that is on a mission to find the truth. To do that you have to be adaptable and not get caught up in some of those so-called spiritual gurus that can put a leash around you. The holidays are filled with travel, joy and great happiness and peace within. A time to be reflective but don’t let the past come in and spoil this moment. You don’t need therapy anymore; after all, you’re smarter than they will ever be. You have a new format for yourself and life. So relax and let it be understood that laughing at yourself is the best medicine and that’s what’s needed this month. Oh, a cocktail or two should be on your Xmas list.

Capricorn. 12-22 to 1-20.
Everything should be moving forward during this holiday season. It’s been a year of focus and planning. People can’t wait for the Xmas party. You’re such an elegant as well as a very gracious host. Like the sign of Leo only the best is good enough for. Your days are filled but yet, all goes according to the daily planner. No last minute shopping for you, you’ve had things under control for months. You do need to be careful in your driving habits. It won’t be your fault but you do need to wear the seatbelt. After the holiday, time to make the list of what you want to accomplish in 2008. You’re a sign that is always prepared.

Aquarius. 1-21 to 2-18. 
You really need to get home for the holidays. The presents will be bigger and much better than they were last year. The person your with may want to do other things. I’m sure they don’t want to get on your bad side so tell them where you’re both going and to put on a happy face. You’re actually going to have some free time to enjoy yourself with the family and why not, you’re finally away from work and the boredom of the town in which you live. It’s an unusual lucky time for you so head for the casino. And since this was all your idea, spend the money on yourself. More is always good isn't it?

Pisces. 2-19 to 3-20. 
Every once in a while like the holidays your kindness to others is so over whelming that you make others feel guilty. How you manage to put 36 hours into 24 is amazing. You’re the anchor on the relay team; we can always count on you to come through and save the day. It’s like doing some last minute shopping for a friend or volunteering your time to raise money or working at the soup kitchen on Xmas day. You are loved by all. The reality of that love will be shown in a very small box under the tree. There are exciting changes that are blowing in the wind. Maybe you should ask for some new luggage.

To contact Thomas for a personal reading, please visit his Website at