'Covenant Cupboard' helps Covenant of the Cross win 2014 Hands on Nashville Award

Covenant of the Cross in Madison was recognized as the 2014 recipient of the Hands On Nashville Mary Catherine Strobel Civic Volunteer Group of the Year for its “Covenant Cupboard” ministry.

“After reading the other nominees’ bios, we felt honored just to be nominated.  We never dreamed we would receive the actual award,” Pastor Greg Bullard said.

In an April ceremony, more than 700 attendees were on hand at the Cool Springs Marriott to honor the 24 finalists and 139 nominees.  

The Covenant Cupboard is the only LGBT-­‐run and LGBT-­‐focused food pantry in the state, feeding more than 200 families each month. Members of the congregation do everything from donating the thousands of pounds of food to sorting it to distributing it.  

The pantry started a little over 10 years ago when the congregation often had families and individuals asking for assistance.  It started modestly in a small closet in the church’s vestibule.  Over the years, it has grown into a large storage space in a local shopping center where the congregation also meets.

Joseph Manners and Ben Parker are the two project coordinators who oversee the operation, as volunteers also.  

To celebrate the honor, the congregation is launching a “30,000 Pounds In Three Months” initiative, which kicks off in August of 2014. The group will be at Pride accepting donations and promoting the ministry. Additionally, donations can be dropped off at 752 Madison Square in Madison with a pre-­‐arranged drop-­‐off time.  Call 615-­‐612-­‐5040 to schedule a donation, or if you or someone you know is in need of food, please have them call the church.

Photo:  Heather Heaven, Linda Brendlinger, Jackie Holtz, Patty Long, Jeremiah Reyna, Anne White, Jeremy Lee, Kari Precopia, Asher Owen, Alison Owen, Pastor Greg Bullard, Kevin Bryant, Elane O’Rourke, Jana Alley, Arden von Haeger and Cyn Rohkar