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Green up your life with this local native plant sale

Queer KC gardeners should head to the native plant sale organized by the Missouri Prairie Foundation and hosted by the Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center, to be held in Kansas City on Saturday, Sept. 18 at 4750 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO 64110 from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., rain or shine.

Six native plant vendors will have a diversity of native wildflowers, grasses, sedges, ground covers, shrubs, and trees for sale: City Roots, Gaylena’s Garden, Ozark Soul, Missouri Wildflowers Nursery, Allendan Seed Company, and Down to Earth Services/Green Thumb Gardens.

“Choosing native plants for home landscaping is one of the best actions homeowners can take to make their yards or property as ecologically healthy as possible, as well as beautiful,” said Carol Davit, MPF Executive Director.

Shoppers may browse and shop from all vendors at the sale, and also place pre-orders from the following vendors as well, if they wish, to have their orders ready for them at the sale.

Pre-order information:

City Roots, LLC
Order online by Friday, September 17 at 5:00 p.m.: https://www.cityrootsnursery.com/plants-for-sale. Select the “September 18” sale choice at the online checkout. If you have questions, call 913-485-2261 or send an email to cityrootsnursery@gmail.com.

Gaylena’s Garden
Email your order to gaylenasgarden@gmail.com by Friday, Sept. 17 at noon. See Gaylena’s Garden Facebook page for a plant list.

Ozark Soul
Order via email or phone by noon on Thursday, Sept. 16 at 5:00 p.m. Visit https://www.ozarksoul.com/availability.php for a current availability list and contact information.

Missouri Wildflowers Nursery
Order by calling 573-496-3492, by email at mowldflrs@socket.net, or online by Tuesday, September 14 here: https://mowildflowers-net.3dcartstores.com/

Allendan Seed Company
Order plants by reviewing inventory at https://www.allendanseed.com/ and calling 515-462-1241 by Friday, Sept. 17 at noon.

Down to Earth Services/Green Thumb Gardens
Order via https://dtekc.com/ (be sure to note the date of the sale, Sept. 18) by Wednesday, Sept. 15. 

Check out the next MPF webinar here.

The Missouri Prairie Foundation is a 55-year-old conservation organization and nationally accredited land trust. Its mission is to protect and restore prairie and other native grasslands through acquisition, management, education, and research. The Missouri Prairie Foundation also runs the 21-year-old Grow Native! program (www.grownative.org) and administers the Missouri Invasive Plant Council (www.moinvasives.org).Carol DavitExecutive Director Missouri Prairie FoundationP.O. Box 200Columbia, MO 65205caroldavit@gmail.comcell: 573-356-7828