
What happens when life is unfair?  What happens to our faith, relationships, and life in general when it all seems to hit the fan? Sometimes we blame God, sometimes we just hide, but what if those two reactions are the very things that prevent us from overcoming the very unfairness of what happens in our lives.

We have often simplified the story of Job into the saying that someone has "the patience of Job" ­ though it is a compliment it misses the complexity of who he is and what his story teaches us about suffering, God, and our response to it.  The reality is that, just as Job, rarely is our suffering the result of sins we have committed, but rather it usually comes out of the blue and makes no sense in our minds, or spirits.

If we look at the start of the story of Job in Job 1:1-12 we see that he is blameless, upright, and turns from evil.  Basically, we learn that he actively seeks to mirror the character of God in his life.  We also find out

that he has a great family, is wealthy, and the person of greatest influence in the east (which means east of Israel).  He is the epitome of what we would call a person blessed by God in our society since we seem to believe that having a lot of stuff and supposedly easy life means God loves them, as if God does not love the people who have it hard.

Then we overhear a discussion between God and satan as they discuss how good Job is.  It basically ends with satan saying to God: Take away all he has and he will "curse you to your face."  He bases his challenge upon the reality that most people honor God when they seem to have it easy (though we

often wander off when we have more than we need and think we earned it all on our own).

The attack on Job does not start with his family, or stuff.  It begins as an attack on his character and he does not even know he is being attacked, or discussed.  He is about to be tested, and it is not open book, or resourced. He, as all of us, will see things happen that we do not understand now, but will have to make sense of based on our previous knowledge of God, and life. He will waver.  He will accuse God of injustice.  He will be depressed, but he will not sin by cursing God.

Have you looked at the way you approach the difficulties of life?  It is always unfair in a negative way.  God is always unfair, but in a way to show grace and mercy in the midst of our calamity.  Today which way will you choose to respond to your attacker?  Your response reveals your character ­always.


Pastor Greg

Also from Pastor Greg: 

Who do you love?